ICT162: In the game of Golf, golfers have a collection of tools that they used to get the golf ball from the tee box to the hole: Object Oriented Programming TMA Assignment, SUSS

Read the following introduction before attempting this TMA.

In the game of Golf, golfers have a collection of tools that they used to get the golf ball from the tee box to the hole. These tools are called golf clubs. A golfer is allowed to carry these clubs in his golf bag and free to decide what the final makeup ultimately looks like. The diagram in Figure A shows the 3 categories of golf clubs.

Each club is made up of:

Clubhead: This part of the club is located at the bottom.

All heads have loft and weight. The loft is the angle created between the face of the club head and the ground and will be different for every club. The loft and how fast the club head is swung will have a direct impact on the distance the ball travels.

The following are the 3 common types of clubhead:

Grip: Top part of the club, where golfers will hold. Can be rubber, leather or synthetic.

Shaft: Middle part, either graphite or steel, with different flex. Bottom end of the shaft is connected to the club head, and the top part is installed with the grip.

Question 1

Study the class diagram in Figure Q1, which focuses on the clubhead class and its subclasses. Demonstrate your understanding of how class hierarchy and association are used to organize information, and then construct the class hierarchy and association according to specification.

(a) Implement the abstract class – ClubHead.

The ClubHead class has:

 Two instance variables:
o _loft (float): loft of the clubhead in degrees.
o _weight (int): weight of the clubhead in grams.

 Constructor initialises these 2 instance variables: _loft and _weight.

 Getter methods for the instance variables: _weight and _loft. Use the property

 One abstract method, getHeight which returns the height of the clubhead.
 The __str__ method returns a string representation of a ClubHead object, in the

following order: loft, weight, separated by commas:

(b) Write the Python class definitions for the WoodHead, IronHead and PutterHead. The WoodHead class is a subclass of ClubHead, and it has:

 One additional instance variable: _size (int) representing the head size in cubic
centimetre (cc).

 Implement the method getHeight that returns the height of the WoodHead. The
height is calculated by dividing the size by 400. Hence, for head size 400cc, the
height is 1 inch, while head size of 200cc is 0.5 inch.

 The __str__ method returns a string representation of a WoodHead object, in the following order: “Wood”, loft, weight, size, separated by commas:
The IronHead class is also a subclass of ClubHead.

 One additional instance variable: _material (str) indicating if the head is made using cast or forged iron.

 For IronHead, the method getHeight returns 1 inch as iron design is limited.

 The __str__ method returns a string representation of a IronHead object, in the
following order: “Iron”, loft, weight, material, separated by commas:
The PutterHead class is also a subclass of ClubHead.

 One additional instance variable: _style (str) indicating if the putter is a “Blade”,
“Half-Mallet” or “Mallet”.

 For PutterHead, the method getHeight returns 1 inch if the putter is a “Blade”.
Otherwise, the method returns 0.5 inch.

 The __str__ method returns a string representation of a PutterHead object, in the following order: “Putter”, loft, weight, style, separated by commas:

(c) Write a main() function to do the following:

(i) Create the appropriate ClubHead objects using the information below.

(ii) Print the details (loft, weight etc.) and height of the created ClubHead objects in Q1(c)(I).

Question 2

As shown in Figure A, the golf club has 3 parts – the clubhead, shaft and grip. In Figure Q2, the class diagram is updated with Shaft, Grip and Club classes, to mimic the construction of golf club.

(a) Implement the Shaft and Grip class.

The Shaft class has:
 Four instance variables:

o _length (float): indicating the length of the shaft in inches, e.g., 42.5, 45.75, 40
o _weight (int): weight of the shaft in grams.
o _material (str): indicating if the shaft is made of graphite or steel.

o _flex (str): a rating of a shaft’s ability to bend during the golf swing, usually
express in following terms: SR for Senior, R for Regular, S for Stiff, XS for Extra-Stiff.

 Constructor initialises the 4 instance variables using the given parameters.

 Getter method for instance variables length, weight, and flex. Use the property

 The __str__ method returns a string representation of a Shaft object, in the following order: length, weight, material, flex, separated by commas:

The Grip class has:

 Three instance variables:

o _diameter (float): represent the thickness (diameter) of the grip in inches, usually 0.6 or 0.58
o _weight (int): weight of the grip in grams.
o _material (str): indicating if the grip is made of rubber, leather or synthetic.

 Constructor initialises the 3 instance variables using the given parameters.

 Getter methods for instance variables weight and diameter. Use the property decorator.

 The __str__ method returns a string representation of a Grip object, in the following

order: diameter, weight, material, separated by commas:

(b) Implement EquipmentRuleException, a subclass of the Exception class. This class has no additional attribute or method. When the application encounters an equipment rule violation, an exception from this class is raised.

(c) Construct and Implement the Club class. The Club class has:

 Four instance variables:
o _label (str): labelling or numbering in uppercase, to help golfers identify the club. For example, “7-IRON”, “3-WOOD” and “4-HYBRID”.

o _head (ClubHead): representing the clubhead object for this club.

o _shaft (Shaft): representing the shaft for this club.

o _grip (Grip): the grip that is installed for this club (onto the top end of the shaft).

 Constructor initialises the 4 instance variables using the given parameters. The constructor must validate the following rules:

o Weight of head must be more than the combined weight of the shaft and grip. Otherwise, raise EquipmentRuleException with appropriate message.

o Assembled club length must be within 18 to 48 inches. Otherwise, raise EquipmentRuleException with appropriate message

 Getter method for instance variables label. Use the property decorator.

 Define getter methods for loft, flex, length, and weight. Use the property decorator

o Loft of the club refers to the loft of the clubhead.

o Flex of the club refers to the shaft’s flex.

o Length of the club is the length of the shaft and the height of the clubhead.

o Weight of the club is the total weight of clubhead, shaft and grip.

 The changeGrip method replaces the instance variable _grip with the given parameter Grip object, provided that the weight of head must be more than the combined weight of the shaft and this new grip. Otherwise, raise EquipmentRuleException with appropriate message.

 getDetails method returns a string presentation of the club’s label, loft, length, flex, and weight. Below are two examples in the suggested format:

Club: DRIVER Loft: 10.5 Length: 45.75in Flex: R Weight: 335g
Club: 4-iron Loft: 23.0 Length: 39.50in Flex: S Weight: 422g

 The __str__ method returns the label of the club, follow by the string representations of clubhead, shaft and grip. Below are two examples:


(d) Write a main() function with exception handling for the following:

(i) Create FOUR (4) golf clubs using the information below

o All grips are 0.6 inches in diameter, 62g in weight and made of “Rubber”.

o Print the total weight of the clubs created.

(ii) Replace the grips for all created golf clubs as they are worn out. The new grips are made of “Leather”, 75g in weight and 0.58 inches in diameter.

Question 3

Golfit is the leader in golf club components and accessories, i.e., Grips, Shafts, ClubHeads, Custom Clubs, Clubmaking Tools and Supplies.

In the game of golf, having the right Clubs and the right Fit can make a huge difference. Golfit employed many fitters, who are professionals performing golf club fitting for golfers. Fitters will measure and benchmark the golfer’s current clubs, then provide new combinations of club heads and shafts to hit, eventually dialling in the perfect golf set (woods, irons, and putter) that will optimize the ball speed, spin rate, and launch angle for the golfer’s game.

Golfit would like to develop an application to help record the specifications of the golf set, with objectives to ensure consistency in clubs, e.g., shafts’ flex, length distribution, and also conforming to the equipment rules setup by R&A (Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews) and the USGA (United States Golf Association).
This question is a continuation of Question 1 & 2, hence will make use of classes in Question 1 & 2. Refer to the class diagram in Figure Q3.

(a) Implement the GolfSet class.

 It has a class variable: _CLUBTYPE that is a List containing the 3 categories of golf clubs, and a class method getClubType that returns the 3 categories in a List.

 There are 3 instance variables:

o _ownerID (str): the golfer’s ID. E.g., A17, B24, C20 etc.
o _owner (str): the golfer’s name.
o _clubs (Dictionary): dictionary of lists, with each list containing clubs that made
up this golf set.

 Constructor performs the following:

o Initialises these 2 instance variables: _ownerID and _owner, using the given

o Pre-set instance variable _clubs to {“Wood”:[ ], “Iron”:[ ], “Putter”:[ ]}

 The keys for this dictionary are the club categories, and the values are lists
of club objects.

o If the parameter newSet is True, there is no need to load current golf set
specification from file. Otherwise, construct the filename using “ownerIDowner.txt” (e.g., “B24-Kobe.txt”) and populate Club objects into _clubs by reading lines from the file. Refer to Appendix A for file format.

 Raise EquipmentRuleException with appropriate message if the file is not

 Each line of the file contains information about the club, label, clubtype, clubhead, shaft and grip.

 Based on clubtype, create the appropriate Club object, and add into
matching clubtype category of _clubs.

 Getter methods for instance variable: _owner. Use the property decorator.

 Define getter methods for numberOfClubs. Use the property decorator
o numberOfClubs is the sum of all clubs in the 3 categories of golf clubs.

 The add method has clubType (str) and a newClub (Club object) as parameters. The following equipment rules and quality checks need to be performed before adding this newClub into the golf set:

o The maximum number of clubs in a golf set is 14.

o Each club label should be unique, within the golf set.

o The new Club’s shaft flex must match those in the same clubType category.

o Within the same clubType category, there should not be clubs having the same loft.

o Within the same clubType category, the newClub must not be longer then the next club with lower loft. E.g., 8-Iron (37.0 degree) must not be longer than 7- Iron (33.5 degree).

o Within the same clubType category, the newClub must not be shorter than the next club with higher loft. E.g., 8-Iron (37.0 degree) must not be shorter than 9- Iron (40.5 degree).

o If any of the above condition is not met, raise EquipmentRuleException with appropriate message.

 With label as parameter, the remove method will find the matching Club object and remove it from the collection _clubs.

If there is no club matching the given label, then method should raise EquipmentRuleException with message stating there is no such club.

 Method saveToFile will construct a filename using “ownerID-owner.txt” (e.g.,

“B24-Kobe.txt”) and write the updated golf set specifications into the file. See Appendix A for file content and format.

 The getGolfSetDetails method returns a string presentation the golf set, including the count of clubs in this golf set. Here is an example of a golf set details:

The __str__ method returns a string representation of a GolfSet object, which consists of all clubs’ label, follow by the string representations of clubhead, shaft and grip. Below is a sample:

Bonus: within each club Type category, sort the list of club objects by their loft. This sorting can be done at any of these situations or whenever you believe is appropriate:

o during loading of specification from file,
o during or after adding a club,
o within the getGolfSetDetails() method, or
o within the __str__() method

(b) Write the application that allow Golfit fitters to manage the recording of club specifications after performing golf club fitting for golfers.

Upon starting the application, present the below main menu:

Golfit Main Menu
1. Build a golf set
2. Load a golf set
0. Quit

Enter option:

In a nutshell, the application must allow:

 Building a golf set for new client
o Obtain the golfer ID and name
o Add or remove club to/from this golf set
o Presenting the specifications of the new golf set
o Save the specifications to file

 Loading of golf set for existing client
o Obtain the golfer ID and name
o Read from file, and present the current specifications of the golf set
o Add or remove club to/from the current golf set
o Save the new specifications back to file

(i) Building a golf set – to build a new golf set for a golfer, the fitter select option 1 in Golfit main menu.

Before presenting the sub menu, your application needs to do the following:

 Prompt fitter to enter golfer’s ID and name.
 Create the GolfSet object, using golfers’ ID, name and newSet as True.
 Display the golfers’ ID, name, and then present the current golf set details, which should be empty at the start.
 In the sub-menu, the fitter can add or remove club into this golf set.
 When the fitter has completed building the golf set, the fitter can select choice
0 in the sub menu, to go back to the main menu. The application should save
the golf set specification for the golfer before presenting the main menu.
Enter golfer’s ID: B24
Enter golfer’s name: Kobe

 one-time message to fitter

– Build the set from longest to shortest club
– i.e., from Driver to Putter

B24 Kobe  golfer’s ID and name
No of clubs: 0  golf set specifications
Club Fitting for Kobe  sub menu

1. Add a club
2. Remove a club

0. Back to Main Menu

Enter choice:

Sub menu title should include the golfer’s name, highlighted in Green.

(ii) Loading a golf set – to load the golf set specifications for an existing golfer, the fitter select option 2 in Golfit main menu.

Before presenting the sub menu, your application needs to do the following:
 Prompt fitter to enter golfer’s ID and name.

 Create the GolfSet object, using golfers’ ID, name and newSet as False.

 Display the golfers’ ID, name, and then present the current golf set details.

 The fitter can use the “Add a club” or “Remove a club” to alter the golf set for
the golfer.

 When the fitter has completed the fitting process, the fitter can select choice 0 in the sub menu, to go back to the main menu. The application should save the updated golf set specification for the golfer before presenting the main menu.
Enter golfer’s ID: B17
Enter golfer’s name: Robin

Sub menu title should include the golfer’s name, highlighted in Green.

(iii) Add a club – this is choice 1 of the sub menu, where fitter will enter the specification of the new club to be added into the golf set.

 To add a club, fitter must first provide the clubtype, label, clubhead, shaft and grip information.

 You program should create the appropriate ClubHead, Shaft, Grip objects, and then the Club object that represents the new club.

 Invoke the appropriate method of the GolfSet class to add this new club into the golf set.

 Display any error or confirmation messages for this add request, then return to the sub menu.

 Below showcases an example of successful adding:

 Present screenshots of successful and unsuccessful adding.
(iv) Remove a club – this is choice 2 of the sub menu, where fitter determined that a club is no longer required and want to remove it from the golf set.

 To remove a club, fitter just need to provide the club’s label.

 Your program should invoke the appropriate method of the GolfSet class to remove this club from the golf set.

 Display any error or confirmation messages for this removal request, then return to the sub menu,

 Below showcases example of unsuccessful and successful removal:

(v) Errors and exceptions handling

Your application must handle all exceptions including input error. Type/Value error should be handled by allowing the user to re-enter. For all menu options, handle any raised EquipmentRuleException or Exception by printing the error messages.

Question 4

A Golf Distance Calculator (GDC) GUI allowed golfers to check how far they can hit the golf ball when they provide their swing speed, club loft and club length.

(a) Develop and implement the GDC GUI application as shown in Figure 4.

 Title of the GUI MUST include your name (replace XXXX with your name).

 The layout is recommended, but you can define any suitable design.

 These are the proposed widgets:
o Label “Swing Speed:” to guide user input (Entry) on the swing speed.
o Radiobuttons to allow user to select the metric for the swing speed.
o Label “Club Length:” to guide user input (Entry) on the club length.
o Radiobuttons to allow user to select the metric for the length.
o Label “Club Loft (degree):” to guide user input (Entry) on the club loft.
o 2 Buttons “Calculate” (enabled) and “Clear” (disabled).
o Scrolled Text (disabled) to display the distance calculated or any messages.

(b) Implement event handling so that the GDC GUI can respond to left button clicks on both buttons.

To calculate distance, the formula is:

Distance = (280 – abs(length-48)*10 – abs(loft-10)*1.25) * SwingSpeed/96 where length and SwingSpeed are in inches and mph respectively. For metric conversion,
o use 1 kph to 0.621371 mph, and
o use 1 cm to 0.393701 inch

In addition, your GUI program should also perform the following input checks:
 Ensure swing speed is a positive number.
 Ensure length must be within 30 to 48 inches.
 Ensure loft must be within 8 to 64 degrees.
Below are demonstrations of the GDC GUI application:

Apply Object oriented principles when writing the GUI program. The program must be written as a class, and you can submit your codes for Q4(a) together with Q4(b). Submit at least 4 set of screenshots: displaying distance calculated for 3 different set of inputs, and one showing error data entry for swing speed.

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