Identify a problem/issue in your current work setting. If you were going to lead an evidence-based practice improvement initiative

Identify a problem/issue in your current work setting. If you were going to lead an evidence-based practice improvement initiative answer the following questions related to your change team:
Identify the desired outcome of the evidence-based practice improvement initiative.
Examining the skills needed to achieve this outcome, from what disciplines would the other members of your change team from. What value does each of their participation and contribution in the change initiative bring?
Explore anticipated barriers to successful teamwork and describe strategies you would use to overcome them.
Evaluate at least two core values essential to the success of this change team.
How would you evaluate the change team’s success?
Please use this book as one source
TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN NURSING From Expert Clinician to Influential Leader Third Edition Marion E. Broome, PhD, RN, FAAN Elaine Sorensen Marshall, PhD, RN, FAAN

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