Identify an organization (or unit within an organization) that you believe excels in high-quality relationships and enabling conditions for team performance. This organization can be from any industry. • Develop a scorecard for evaluating the organization or unit. At a minimum, you should include information on the mission and philosophy of the organization or unit, strategic projects, and analysis and implementation of findings. Building & Implementing a Balanced Scorecard.

Organizational Analysis: Rough Drafts of the Paper (due in Week 3) and Presentation (due in Week 5)
This week, you need to submit the rough draft of your organizational analysis paper and provide the supporting evidence for your analysis. The paper should be no less than 8 pages and no longer than 10 pages, must include references in APA format, and be written using APA formatting style.
Below are the key tasks you need to complete in this assignment:
• Identify an organization (or unit within an organization) that you believe excels in high-quality relationships and enabling conditions for team performance. This organization can be from any industry.
• Develop a scorecard for evaluating the organization or unit. At a minimum, you should include information on the mission and philosophy of the organization or unit, strategic projects, and analysis and implementation of findings. Building & Implementing a Balanced Scorecard.
• Make your case based on available first-hand or second-hand data about how the organization scores in terms of relational capability and enabling conditions for team performance. You will need to submit your scorecard as well as the evidence you utilized to your instructor.
• Based on your analysis, prepare a 8- to 10-page paper. You will also submit the rough draft of a 20- to 30-slide presentation based on this paper in Week 5.
In the paper:
• Describe the selected organization or unit. Include the following details:
o A statement and an introduction regarding why this organization excels in team building and high-quality relationships
o A description of what prompted the organization to focus on these variables, if known
o The rationale for selecting the issue-its significance or importance in relation to team-building efforts and the success of the organization
• Summarize the processes or programs that make this organization successful.
• Describe the attributes that made those processes or programs effective.
• Explain how the programs might be translated to your present organization. If you do not currently work, refer to a previous employer or discuss with someone employed and glean how they feel the programs or processes could be applied to their organization or unit.
• Include all sources used in the reference list in APA format. You need to include at least five cited references.
• Include a reference to the scorecard developed and used.
• Include references to substantiate the claim that the organization excels in quality relationships. The second-hand information must be correctly cited.
The presentation should: (rough draft due in Week 5)
• Include a cover slide with your information.
• Cover all salient points from the paper.
• Describe the programs or processes that make the chosen organization or unit successful in team building and high-quality relationships.
• Include an analysis of the programs or processes.
• Include a summary explaining how lessons learned could be applied to another organization.
Submit your paper as a Microsoft Word document and presentation as a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.
Note: Although this is a nongraded assignment, it is mandatory that you submit the rough drafts by the due date. It will help you get timely feedback and guidance from your instructor and ensure that you meet the due dates for the final drafts.

From your course textbook, The New Leadership Challenge: The Future of Nursing, read the following:
The Nature of Leadership: Distinguishing Leadership From Management
The World and New Leadership: Changing Our Thinking About Leadership

Assignment Week 3 (draft) and Week 4 (final) Project Rubric Possible Points Points Achieved
Draft Points

Identify an organization (or unit within an organization) that you believe excels in high-quality relationships and enabling conditions for team performance. This organization can be from any industry; yet the concepts NEED to be APPLIED to the DNP role.
Comments: 3
Describe the selected organization or unit.
Comments: 2
Include the following details:

A statement and an introduction regarding why this organization excels in team building and high-quality relationships.
Qualities contributing to organization’s excellence in team building and high-quality relationships; apply the analysis to the DNP leader role.

Comments: 3
A description of what prompted the organization to focus on these variables, if known
Background-explain why the organization concentrates on the specific qualities of excellence for team building or high-quality relationships; apply the analysis to the DNP leader role.
Comments: 5
The rationale for selecting the issue (specific qualities)-its significance or importance in relation to team-building efforts and the success of the organization; apply the analysis to the DNP leader role
Comments: 5
Summarize the processes or programs that make this organization successful. The leadership process or program will become the components of the organization scorecard.
Comments: 5
Describe the attributes that made those processes or programs effective; apply the analysis to the DNP leader role
Comments: 5
Explain how the programs might be translated to your present organization. If you do not currently work, refer to a previous employer or discuss with someone employed and glean how they feel the programs or processes could be applied to their organization or unit; apply the analysis to the DNP leader role
Comments 2
Develop a scorecard for evaluating the organization or unit. At a minimum, you should include information on the mission and philosophy of the organization or unit, strategic projects, and analysis and implementation of findings. Be sure to include measurable descriptions in the analysis and implementation section of the scorecard.

Make your case based on available first-hand or second-hand data about how the organization scores in terms of relational capability and enabling conditions for team performance. You will need to submit your scorecard as well as the evidence you utilized to your instructor.

Comments: missing
Include all sources used in the reference list in APA format. You need to include at least five cited references.
Comments: 5 previous
Include a reference to the scorecard developed and used.
Comments: 5 previous
Include references to substantiate the claim that the organization excels in quality relationships. The second-hand information must be correctly cited.
Comments 5 previous
Scholarly writing used (specific nouns, past or future verb tense, active voice sentence structure, transitional words/phrases); objective, evidence-based descriptions; introduction and conclusion; level one headings (level two headings when appropriate); table for scorecard following APA guidelines for table 6
TOTAL 55 55
Late deduction

Assignment Week 4 (final) Project Rubric
Identify an organization (or unit within an organization) that you believe excels in high-quality relationships and enabling conditions for team performance. This organization can be from any industry;

Describe the selected organization or unit. Select details relevant to the organization/systems leadership concepts

Include the following details when describing the selected organization or unit:

A statement and an introduction regarding why this organization excels in team building and high-quality relationships.

A description of what prompted the organization to focus on these variables, based on actual evidence (from the organization/unit)

The rationale for selecting the issue (specific qualities)-the importance in relation to team-building efforts and the success of the organization
Summarize the processes or programs that make this organization successful.

Describe the attributes that made those processes or programs effective
Explain how the programs might be translated to your present organization. If you do not currently work, refer to a previous employer or discuss with someone employed and glean how they feel the programs or processes could be applied to their organization or unit

Develop a scorecard for evaluating the organization or unit. At a minimum, you should include information on the mission and philosophy of the organization or unit, strategic projects, and analysis and implementation of findings.
Make your case based on available first-hand or second-hand data about how the organization scores in terms of relational capability and enabling conditions for team performance. You will need to submit your scorecard as well as the evidence you utilized to your instructor.

Include all sources used in the reference list in APA format. You need to include at least five cited references.
Include a reference to the scorecard developed and used.
Include references to substantiate the claim that the organization excels in quality relationships. The second-hand information must be correctly cited.

Scholarly writing used (specific nouns, past or future verb tense, active voice sentence structure, transitional words/phrases); objective, evidence-based descriptions;
introduction and conclusion; level one headings (level two headings when appropriate); table for scorecard following APA guidelines for table 15/15
TOTAL 100/100
Late deduction (5% per day up to 25%)

NSG 7000 Week 5 Presentation Submission
Directions Points Possible Points Achieved Comments
Identify an organization (or unit within an organization) that you believe excels in high-quality relationships and enabling conditions for team performance. This organization can be from any industry.
Comments: 5
Develop a scorecard for evaluating the organization or unit. Score card needs to reflect the issue/change, organizational leadership, team building and high-quality relationship. At a minimum, you should include information on the mission and philosophy of the organization or unit, strategic projects, and analysis and implementation of findings.
Comments: 15
Make your case based on available first-hand or second-hand data about how the organization scores in terms of relational capability and enabling conditions for team performance. You will need to submit your scorecard as well as the evidence you utilized to your instructor.
*** Clearly explain the role of organizational leadership, team building and high-quality relationships
Comments: 15
The presentation should:
Include a cover slide with your information.
Include purpose of the presentation and at least ONE learning objective, written for the audience
Comments: 1
Cover all salient points from the paper
Slide presents key points of analysis AS BULLECT POINTS.
Speaker notes includes full sentences with appropriate citation.
Comments: 1
Describe the programs or processes that make the chosen organization or unit successful in team building and high-quality relationships.
Slide presents key points of analysis AS BULLECT POINTS.
Speaker notes includes full sentences with appropriate citation.
Clearly explain the application to DNP leadership
Comments: 4
Include an analysis of the programs or processes.
Slide presents key points of analysis AS BULLECT POINTS.
Speaker notes includes full sentences with appropriate citation.
Clearly explain the application to DNP leadership
Comments: 4
Include a summary explaining how lessons learned could be applied to another organization.
Conclusion required-bullet points in slide; full sentence conclusion in speaker notes
Slide presents key points of analysis AS BULLECT POINTS.
Speaker notes includes full sentences with appropriate citation.
Clearly explain the application to DNP leadership
Comments: 5
20 to 30 slides based on the paper (excluding title slide; purpose and objective slide, and reference slides)
Spelling, appearance, readability will be graded in slide
Grammar, spelling, citation will be graded in speaker notes
Reference slides required
Comments: 5


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