Identify and focus on onboarding, key recruitment and retention strategies to recruit and retain the best talent possible, while ensuring that the hiring process is more expedient.

Capstone Project Overview

After conducting the needs assessment, you should have a better idea of how your capstone project will serve the organization you have chosen. In this assignment, you will formalize your project in a 750-1,000-word paper that includes the following:

1. A brief description of the scope and purpose identified in the needs analysis. My scope is: The intended scope and purpose of my capstone project is to identify and focus on onboarding, key recruitment and retention strategies to recruit and retain the best talent possible, while ensuring that the hiring process is more expedient. The needs analysis that will be used is the training needs analysis (See attachment Capstone Project Needs Analysis Paper).

2. An outline of your action plan. The outline should cover scope of the project, including project parameters, unique organizational factors, support resources, and any other planning, implementation, or evaluation components or tools that you will require.

3. Identification of any unique organizational factors, including resources and barriers that could impact your project. You could use Covid-19 as most folks work from home and are difficult to get a hold of.

Leadership theories and concepts that you will apply as part of your capstone. The leadership theory that  would apply is the behavioral theory as this will aid in focusing on the specific behaviors and actions of the leaders. Primarily out of the three skills utilized to lead followers such as the technical, human, and conceptual skills,  will focus on the conceptual skills portion as these skills enable the leader to come up with ideas in making the organization run smoothly (CFI Education Inc., 2021). Hiring employees to replace those that are either promoting or quitting in a timely manner will assist the organization to run efficiently. Additionally, servant leadership is a concept that  will draw upon as engage in the capstone project as this is about focusing on helping others, in this case getting individuals hired in a timely manner so that they can begin employment and be able to put food on the table and pay their bills in a timely manner.

According to Greenleaf’s (1970) principles, the primary focus for a leader should be to serve his or her followers’ desires before his or her own. The principles advanced include foresight, empathy, persuasion, ethical reasoning, and the growth of people.

Have attached the Capstone Project Needs Analysis paper so that you can use some of the information. Also,  do not need a cover letter, do my own.
Provide in-text citations.

Use a minimum of four resources to strengthen and support the claims.

Add an intro and conclusion To include a reference page

Contact me if you have any questions.

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