There are two questions on this exam and you must write a separate essay for each one; be sure to answer all parts of each question. Each of your essays MUST be a minimum of 3 FULL pages in length. So, you will be submitting a minimum of 6 FULL pages for this exam. Writing more than three FULL pages for each essay is fine and encouraged, but writing less than three FULL pages per essay will have a VERY negative impact on your grade. What do I mean by “negative impact”? You will receive a failing grade or possibly a zero; so, please put in the time and effort that the exam requires of you. Submit your essays by clicking on the “Submit Assignment” tab (it can be found on the upper right side of the exam#1 web-page) and remember to put your name and the question number on each of your essays. Use a font size of 12, Times New Roman font, double-spacing, with a one-inch margin. You may need to change your margins as the standard default setting for some word processing programs is 1.25 inches so be sure to check this before you begin writing. Also, shut off your paragraph auto-spacing: the command that puts an extra line of space between each paragraph. You will type your name at the top of page #1, the question number, and start writing: THAT’S IT! If you give me fluff like the date, the course name and number, my name, etc., you will fail the exam. Also, DO NOT copy and paste the exam questions into your essays. I know what the questions are, thanks: I wrote them.
You MUST draw heavily from the textbook when writing each of your essays. I want to see LOTS of examples from the textbook complete with page numbers. You can either put the page numbers in parentheses at the end of your sentence or refer to the page numbers directly in a sentence: “On page 56 of the textbook it says…” Failure to include lots of examples from the textbook, with specific page numbers, will hurt your grade so, again, make sure you draw heavily from the textbook. Do NOT give me direct quotes from the textbook; write the essays in your own words. Also, do not be tempted to copy material from the textbook, change a few words, and try to pass it off as your own writing. Please note that you can ONLY use the course textbook for this exam; no outside sources, such as additional internet sources, can be used. Should you be tempted to do any of these things it will be considered an act of plagiarism and you will receive both a zero on the exam and an F for the course. There will be no exceptions to this policy so if you have any questions please ask me before you begin working on the exam.
QUESTION #1: Identify and thoroughly discuss the Expressed Powers of the president as described in the textbook. Be sure to explain each of these powers and how they work: do not just list them. Also be sure to bring in plenty of examples from the textbook, with page numbers, as you write your answers.
QUESTION #2: The three types of federal courts in the USA are District Courts, Circuit Courts, and the U.S. Supreme Court. Discuss these three different types of federal courts and explain how they work. Be sure to bring in plenty of examples from the textbook, with page numbers, as you write your answers. Note: make sure your essay is on the Federal Courts. Do NOT write about the state courts.
*Above are the professor’s notes*
The textbook needed is American Government: A Brief Introduction, 15th edition.