Below, you are provided with a scenario based on nursing practice. Drawing on key documents (regulations, codes, standards) and the concepts discussed in all modules of this unit to date, you will need to provide a response that addresses the professional, disciplinary, and ethical requirements for the registered nurse. This will be submitted as an electronic presentation, which must include references. You are encouraged to be innovative and creative in your choice of visual material.
There are four codes and standards in particular we encourage you to focus on:
NMBA Nursing Standards for Practice
NMBA Code of Conduct
ICN Code of Ethics
NSQHS standards
Identify one principle or standard from each of these and relate back to any aspect of the scenario. Please note, you do not need to try and find the most prominent or obvious examples of the codes and standards.
You will find sections in Module 2 dedicated to each of the above codes and standards.
The Scenario
The following three Making it Real videos (NSW Health, 2012) are the ‘scenario’ for this assessment. These are sequential – that is, Part 1 through to Part 3 should be watched in order.
You may present your work as either a recorded PowerPoint or video presentation via Echo360. More instructions on how to upload your video to your Echo360 library are below.
Presentations should include an introduction, content and a conclusion. In this respect, it is very similar to an essay. In-text referencing should occur through your slides, and your you should include a reference list at the end of your presentation.
The maximum length of the presentation is 10 minutes. Please note that the same rules apply as for word length; presentations that exceed the 10 minutes +10% time limit will only be marked up to that time in the presentation.
Before giving providing tips on your video presentation, it is important to emphasise that these are suggestions only and that you should not feel constrained by these. There are many ways you can present this assessment and you are encouraged to be creative. However, addressing assessment criteria and delivering a clear message should be at the fore of your mind. If you are considering an alternative to PowerPoint, it is advisable to contact the Unit Coordinator first to check that it is appropriate.
Design and Presentation
Most presentations will use slides of some form using PowerPoint presentation or equivalent software. While these tips focus on these presentation styles, the principles should equally be observed for other forms of video presentation.
One or two minutes per slide. No-one will sit through and time each slide to check this, but it is a good principle to observe. On the basis of this timing, your presentation could look something like this:
Introduction – one minute
Content slide 1 – two minutes
Content slide 2 – two minutes
Content slide 3 – two minutes
Content slide 4 – two minutes
Conclusion – one minute
Don’t just read. While it is a good idea to print notes/dot points to refer to during your narration, avoid just reading word-for-word from a printout. Rather, talk to your listeners and let your personality show. This will make the presentation much more interesting and engaging.
Avoid too many words on a slide. Similar to the above, only use minimal text in your presentation. Short dot points can effectively frame the narrative on each slide, but text should not be relied on to relay your message.
One of the most common and problematic issues with recording is sound:
Check sound quality and volume. A good way to do this is doing a test slide first.
Record in a quiet environment.
Speak clearly at a normal volume and avoid speaking while you are changing slides. Pause of two seconds.
Remember, you can do one slide at a time if that is helpful.
**One strategy that you may find effective is to do a ‘draft’ from beginning to end, without stopping. For the draft, don’t be concerned about getting the wording wrong or going over time. Then listen back and take notes as you refine your presentation for the final version.
If you are submitting a video
You will need to upload your video into your personal Library in Echo360 and then submit to the Assessment 2 submission folder
Instructions for submitting a video for assessment
How to submit a video for assessment (video demonstration)
Important Points
Make sure you read the instructions on how to upload the video. We cannot assist you with the upload and we will not accept the assessment task in any other format.
Upload your video on a UTAS campus to avoid problems. Your internet upload speed can be very slow at home, even with the NBN. The video files can be very large in size.
Do not delete the video from your library. It has to remain in that location for tutors to view.
Do not submit your actual video file to the submission folder only the link.
If you are submitting a narrated PowerPoint
If you are submitting a narrated PowerPoint just upload the file into the Assessment 2 submission folder. You should not submit a Keynote file if you are using a Mac.
The university makes Office365 software available free to all students – more information is available via the UTAS Office 365 webpage. Find out more about how to download Office 365. If you are having any trouble, please contact the IT Service Desk.
Marking Criteria
See the Rubric for more details.
Criterion 1: Discuss the professional, disciplinary, and ethical considerations underpinning nursing practice.
For marks in Criterion 1, you will need to describe the importance/relevance of the specific Codes and Standards being discussed to nursing practice. Take a falls scenario, for example. You may decide to apply NSQHS Standard 5 (Comprehensive Care): Minimising Patient Harm to this scenario. As part of this discussion, you should include reference to scholarly literature that highlights why it is so important for nurses to observe this Standard in practice. For this reason, we have combined Criteria 1 and 4 in the rubric.
People who do this well will integrate these considerations into the presentation. That means, rather than stating the importance of the code and standard to nursing practice and then describing how the Standard relates to the scenario, discussion of these two things should be blended.
An important thing to consider is when integrating these considerations, it is important to explicitly reference when you are addressing this criterion. For example:
‘This assessment of Pat’s risk assessment is a particularly important consideration that underpins nursing practice. Alves et al. (2017) argue that nurses…’
Criterion 2: Interpret and apply professional codes and standards to a healthcare scenario.
For marks in Criterion 2, you will need to apply each of the Codes and Standards to an aspect of the scenario. This could be done as one Code/Standard to each slide (total of four).
You will need to pick a specific aspect of each Code and Standard. In the example used above, we did not refer to the NSQHS Standards’ general importance in relation to falls management. Standard 5 was identified and then component of Minimising Patient Harm was identified.
Be mindful that less is often more. You may be tempted to list many components of the one Code or Standard in a slide. But with minimal time to discuss, a more in-depth application of one or two components will provide more room to demonstrate understanding.
Criterion 3: Presentation includes appropriate academic expression and correct referencing style.
There are a few things you need to consider for Criterion 3.
The verbal presentation should be articulate and engaging.
The ways you present – both verbally and visually – should be professional.
Your slide presentation should be free from spelling/grammatical errors and correctly referenced.
Additional Referencing Information (in response to some good discussion board questions)
For your first reference on a slide, you may use ‘et al.’ rather than than typing out all authors’ names.
Alternatively, you may use numerical footnotes in place of authors’ names. The numbers used in in the presentation must appear in the reference list. This departure from Harvard referencing is a reasonable compromise for heavily referenced pages.
Regardless of which approach you take, you must adhere to Harvard referencing guidelines in the reference list on the final page of your presentation. The only difference will be if you use numerical footnotes in your presentation, the authors will not be in alphabetical order but numerical order (essentially based on the order in which they appeared in the presentation).
If you have any further questions about the reference list, please post on the discussion board.
Criterion 4: Supports the discussion with reference to appropriate scholarly and disciplinary literature, using at least four (4) scholarly reference sources.
This Criterion has been combined with Criterion 1. To get good marks for this Criterion, you should refer to at least four scholarly sources. You will, of course, also need to reference the Codes and Standards and the video scenario, so a good submission will need a minimum of nine reference sources altogether. The scholarly sources should address the requirements of Criterion 1.
Task length
10-minute presentation, equivalent to 1500 words.
Due date
Week 8 – 5th of April @ 3pm.
Assessment value
This task is worth 50% of your final grade.