Identify the context of the problem, Business definition and KPIselated to the problem.

Inquiring if you have access and know how to use KNIME.
Develop step-by-step a reflection, and work using the analytics process and with the support of an analytics tool.
Work on a specific dataset – Bank promotion
Identify the context of the problem, Business definition and KPIselated to the problem. You will need to gather additional data and use it for your analysis. Please use the latest reports of the banks in Canada, information about the banking sector, practice of bank marketing and your knowledge from other courses to create the context of your analytics process.
Use, if possible, for comparing banks, Yahoo Finance/Google Finance/ EBSCO as your main source of financial data, market, competitors from Yahoo Finance.
Complement data according to the knowledge of the company. If you select a company that is not public, you will need to gather the data.
Think about the use of analytic tools and data requirements.
Develop capacity to review the solutions to problems that are not perfectly defined and maintain ambiguity in the analysis.
Identify the pros and cons within the analytics approach in a real problem.
You have two reports to submit. The first report should be about 1,500-2,000 words. It is due at the end of the third week. You need for the first submission to explain the context of the problem, describe the banking business, and provide description of the data of the business and the problem-dataset. The final report should be approximately 3,000-5,000 words. Use tables and graphs/charts. Remember to use proper formatting and clearly identify all components of the report.

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