Identify the main concepts, terms and approaches of environmental and energy environmentalism, energy justice and energy democracy, its impact on IGR accountability and management roles as a foundation of study and how they are utilized to analyze the Post Maria Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Mexico cases according to Dr. Shalanda Baker, Deputy Director for Energy Justice at the Department of Energy.

1: Review module objectives.:
Identify the main concepts, terms and approaches of environmental and energy environmentalism, energy justice and energy democracy, its impact on IGR accountability and management roles as a foundation of study and how they are utilized to analyze the Post Maria Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Mexico cases according to Dr. Shalanda Baker, Deputy Director for Energy Justice at the Department of Energy.
Apply concepts of energy justice, energy democracy, just sustainable energy transitions and their connection with interjurisdictional cooperation, collaboration, IGR accountability and management roles.

2: Complete the assigned readings.
3: View the assigned videos:
4: Deliver Reflection Paper

Links to videos: 3 videos total


  • Identify the main concepts, terms and approaches of environmental and energy environmentalism, energy justice and energy democracy, its impact on IGR accountability and management roles as a foundation of study and how they are utilized to analyze the Post Maria Puerto Rico, Hawaii and Mexico cases according to Dr. Shalanda Baker, Deputy Director for Energy Justice at the Department of Energy.
  • . What is the basis for a legally enforceable contract?
  • Write a discussion paper on Digestion and deliver for healthcare.
  • What is Science by Wilson. Page 621. World of Ideas, Lee Jacobs
  • Write a Specialty Toys Managerial Report.
  • Describe the jury selection process. Is there such a thing as an impartial jury? Why or why not? What changes to the current system do you suggest in order to provide truly impartial juries in trials?
  • the endocrine system
  • Communication Aids
  • Thyroid
  • Health Administration


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