Imagine you are assigned to care for a new client who seems uncomfortable and hesitant to trust you. How would you approach building trust with this client before and during your initial interactions? Provide specific strategies and explain why they are important in creating a trustin

Assignment Task

Imagine you are assigned to care for a new client who seems uncomfortable and hesitant to trust you. How would you approach building trust with this client before and during your initial interactions? Provide specific strategies and explain why they are important in creating a trusting relationship. Be sure to incorporate non-verbal communication, empathy, and open communication in your response.

Online CQ Instructions

Some characteristics considered to be part of excellent post are outlined below. These characteristics will be considered when assessing the quality and level of student participation.
The best posts demonstrate an understanding of the course material and present a cohesive argument with evidence to back it up.
Posts and responses should be thorough, thoughtful, and based on reading/research. Support statements with examples, professional experiences, readings, and references. Think of these posts as a mini- essay (but less formal in structure), in which you want to have a single central argument and clear evidence to support that argument. Keep in mind that fellow learners will be reading and responding to you, too.
Posts should be a minimum of words and not exceed words. It is best to make the posts just long enough to make a strong point.
Posts are a great way to demonstrate you have read and thought critically about course readings.
Make certain that all posts address the question. This does not mean you should not extend the topic, but do not stray from the topic.
Remember to always relate direct references to concepts you are learning about and establish those connections with evidence from academic sources.
Add to your post by including prior knowledge, professional or work experiences, references, web sites, resources, etc. (applying APA).
Your post should be complete and free of grammatical or structural errors.

Online CQ Netiquette

Distance conveys a degree of anonymity, and as a result, many people feel less inhibited in online situations than in their everyday lives. This lessening of inhibitions sometimes leads people to drop their normal standards of decorum when communicating online. Become familiar with the following guidelines regarding both online posts and email messages.

Use appropriate language. Excessive use of “chat” or “instant messaging” jargon is not acceptable for online posts.
Read existing follow-up postings and do not repeat what has already been said.
CQ’s forums are electronic. They break. If for any reason you experience any difficulty participating, please email, or otherwise inform your course professor or the Brightspace Help Desk of the issue so that it can be corrected as soon as possible.
Cite Your Sources. This is another big must! If your contribution to the conversation includes the intellectual property (authored material) of others, e.g., textbooks, newspapers or journal articles-online or in print-give the proper credit (APA).
Do not use emoticons or texting language. Social networking and text messaging have spawned a body of linguistic shortcuts that are not part of the academic dialogue. Please refrain from 🙂 faces and c u l8r’s.
Remember this is an academic forum and not social media. Opinions can be true and valid, but opinions can also be completely invalid, false, and untrue. In other words, a valid opinion is a valid one when the perspective, the point of view, the personal beliefs, and/or personal feelings are based on facts and when the data and information that this opinion is based on is accurate, true, and verifiable with evidence. Apply your course knowledge to date to
validate your opinion. This is evidence-based nursing that promotes positive patient outcomes.
Please respect diversity. Be sensitive to the ethnically rich and diverse, multi-cultural community in which we are participating. Please avoid any language that is-or that could be construed to be- offensive toward others. Racist, sexist, and heterosexist comments are unacceptable, as are derogatory and/or sarcastic comments and jokes directed at religious beliefs, disabilities, and age.
Do not use all caps in an online environment. Using bold upper-case letters is bad form. It is the equivalent of stomping around and yelling at somebody (NOT TO MENTION BEING HARD ON THE EYE).
Use proper spelling, capitalization, grammar, usage, and punctuation. Utilize the Spell Check feature.
Remember that there are other human beings reading your postings, so treat everyone professionally and with respect. Do not post anything you would not be willing to communicate face to face.


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