Implement Particle Swarm Optimization – IT Assignment Help

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Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

The first portion of the assignment is to implement PSO for some optimization problem. I recommend consulting the Wikipedia page on test optimization functions1. Pick whichever you want. You can use the sphere function, but that’s rather boring; you don’t get more/less points for having your algorithm find the optimal solution. Be sure to pick one that you can have fun with.

Any academic misconduct will be investigated fully and I will push for the maximum allowable penalty. Assuming you get everything working and you don’t have any serious problems, you will automatically get +10 on your assignment. 

Multiobjective Problem (MOP)

If you choose to do a MOP you can gain an additional +2 points. You will have to pick your own problem, so go find your own data to play with. If you want, you may do a moving/changing/dynamic space problem and get the +2 points.


If you implement modifications for +1 each (max +2), be sure to make them obvious to me. I do not care if you go out and find modifications or if you invent your own, just be sure to convince me that you deserve the extra points. If your improvement is not obvious to me, or if I deem it as not significant enough, you will not get the marks. If you choose to do the writeup then explain these modifications within the writeup as clearly as possible. Make it impossible for me to miss the enhancements you have made. If you do not do the writeup, at least include a text file with a description of your modifications so I know what they are.


You can obtain a maximum of +9 for doing a writeup with +5 being from the base report. WARNING:

The writeup is not trivial to do well and will take some time to write. This writeup will be marked more qualitatively by a marker. There is no precise best way to structure a writeup and it is difficult to know exactly what should be included. A portion of these marks will be dedicated to prose, understandability, continuity, spelling, grammar, content, and effectiveness. You can find an example of an article I wrote for publication this year to get a sense of what is good, but there is no one right way to do it and I would not recommend making your report look like mine (I’m simply giving it to you for an example, but you Again, do note that the marks for this portion will be more qualitative and it will be difficult to know what’s good beforehand. The content is up for you to descide and your decision making on what to include is part of the assignment and course learning objectives. There is no required length for the report, but please do NOT make it longer than 8 pages double column format.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

  • Downloads : 0

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