In addition to providing your reactions, conduct some of your own research and r

In addition to providing your reactions, conduct some of your own research and respond to the following in your paper: (1)What are some of the potential benefits to the client, the DoD, and the public, in regard to limited confidentiality in the military? (2) What are the potential drawbacks or issues that may arise in providing this service? (3)With which APA general principles or ethics codes is limited confidentiality potentially in conflict? (4) Use a real or imagined case example (please remove any identifiable or sensitive information) in which you have or could see the limits to confidentiality in the military impacting treatment. If this is a real example, how did you resolve this issue? Was there anything that you might have done differently? (5) What ideas do you have about how you might resolve the issues that may arise in regard to the limits of confidentiality in the military? /// Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length (including title and reference pages, so roughly 4 pages) and include at least six scholarly references (at least four need to be peer reviewed.


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