In the document Possible topics to use: Bits, binary numbers,

In the document

Possible topics to use:

     Bits,   binary numbers, hexadecimals, basic Python arithmetic   File types and   running Python scripts, variables, Input function, Strings, Ints,   Floats, Type and type conversion   List and   tuples   Booleans and   conditionals   The   if/elif/else block   The range   function, for loops, while loops, nested loops   Loops and   conditionals, break and continue, list comprehension   List   comprehension continued, Functions, return, global variables   Math module,   random module   Dictionaries   String methods   and print formatting   Reading text   files   Writing and   appending to text files     More on text   files   Command line   arguments   The time   module, datetime module, timing functions   Recursive   functions   Modules in   Python   The re module   The tkinter   module   More on the   tkinter module   The numpy   module   The os module   The csv module   The json   module  The matplotlib   module   More on the   matplotlib module   HTML   More on HTML      Introduction   to object-oriented programming   Classes,   objects, and method   Encapsulation,   inheritance, overloading/polymorphism   More examples   of OOP, built-in classes and methods   Exception   handling with try/except blocks   Raise and   assert   Iterables and   map/reduce/filter/zip, lambda   Javascript,   jQuery, CSS, and PHP   Review    


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