In this assessment you are required to develop and deploy a risk prediction model for AIE_outcome in Shiny app, which you will submit to me by cutting and pasting two code files in the space provided on the following pages. The files include: o Model

In this assessment you are required to develop and deploy a risk prediction model for
AIE_outcome in Shiny app, which you will submit to me by cutting and pasting two code
files in the space provided on the following pages. The files include:
o Model development in R: including all data formatting and pre-processing, model
development and validation code, including the code in which you save your model
object (full details give p.2.) – remember to set seed!!!
o The Shiny app code (the full app code so I can run it myself)
• This assessment is less structured than previous assessments, and you are free to develop any
of the three models from assessment 2 (regularised regression, XGBoost or neural networks),
and you can even use the model you selected in your assessment 2 (but you still need to
give me all the code again! And you may want to improve upon your original model!).
• However, you must follow some instructions, including:
o You must provide me with ALL your code so that I can reproduce your model and
Shiny app. This includes ALL code to reformat your data, all code to develop the
model, and all Shiny app code.
o The model must be developed and tested in R, then saved as an .rds file and loaded
into Shiny.
o You must include code to remove 10 patients from your data after pre-processing but
before splitting into train/test so that I can run load these patients through your Shiny
app (exactly as done in week 10).
• The assessment is worth 30% of your overall mark and includes 30 marks in total, with marks
allocated as shown above the answer box in each of the two sections.
• Important note of model explainability: Your Shiny app needs to offer an explanation for why
the patient is at high/low risk. If using XGBoost this is easy and you can use the SHAP values
as demonstrated in the week 10 exercise. However, if using neural network or regularised
regression, you will need to take a different approach, some ideas include:
o Regularised regression: could show the top 5 or 10 strongest coefficients and the
current patients values (this could show for example that older age increases risk of
outcome and this patient was older).
o Neural networks: Derive the permutation feature importance of all variables (could be
a lot of work) and simply list the 5 or 10 most important.
o Or for any of the models you could explore alternative approaches available in other
packages not shown in this unit.
• I designed this assessment so you have some control over how challenging you make it for
yourself (if you’re not feeling it you can pretty much replicate the week 10 app with the new
outcome – however there are some marks for novelty which you won’t get if you do this).


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