In this unit you learned about the two houses of Congress: The House of Represen

In this unit you learned about the two houses of Congress: The House of Representatives and the Senate. For this project, you will create a presentation that compares the two houses of Congress, explains how they represent their constituents, and covers in detail a committee or subcommittee of your choice from either the House or Senate.
Part 1:
In at least 200 words total, compare the powers of the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate. You may use as many slides in your presentation as needed for this comparison.
Part 2:
In at least 100 words total, explain how members of Congress represent their constituents. You may use as many slides in your presentation as needed for this comparison.
Part 3: 300 WORD 
First, watch the 9 short video clips entitled The Legislative Process, located here Take notes on any information you did not already know. (**Read the transcript if the video does not load)
Next, go to the US House of Representatives Home Page at OR the US Senate Home Page at . Select one of the standing committees, special/select committees, or subcommittees and click on the link.
Click on Committees on the top menu bar
Select any one of the committees listed in either the House or Senate.
Click on the website of the committee you chose. (each committee should have a website that you can go to, if not please choose one that does)
Once you are on the website click on either the “subcommittee” or “full committee” tab which will list all of the committee’s members.
Then answer the following in your own words and in complete sentences :
1. Committee Name – what is the name of the committee you’ve chosen?
2. Who is the CHAIR of the committee? Briefly, describe why you think this person was selected as the chairperson

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