Information Technology has currently become a strategic aspect in creating innov

Information Technology has currently become a strategic aspect in creating innovation, opportunities, and competitive advantage. However, what it entails is inherent risk related to integrity, confidentiality, and availability of information which require attention. COBIT 5 has been applied by companies to streamline the sharing of information, incorporating IT in to the strategy to reach corporate goals, minimizing and controlling risk management and information security, and optimizing the costs surrounding technology and IT (Shahi, Sadoughi & Ahmadi, 2015). 
1. Describe how organizations establish the five (5) COBIT IT governance focus areas: strategic alignment, value delivery, risk management, resource management, and performance management
STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT: The Organization have concentrates on guaranteeing the linkage of business and IT arranges, on characterizing, keeping up and approving the IT esteem suggestion, and on adjusting IT operations to big business operations.
VALUE DELIVERY: They have attempted however much as could reasonably be expected to executing and actualize key arrangement the quality suggestion all through the conveyance cycle, guaranteeing that IT conveys the guaranteed advantages against the procedure, focusing on enhancing costs and demonstrating the inborn estimation of IT political science assignment help,
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Organizations have manage ideal interest in, and the best possible administration of, basic IT assets: forms, individuals, applications, foundation and data. Key issues identify with the enhancement of information and foundation. 
RISK MANAGEMENT: Association have teach requires hazard mindfulness by senior corporate officers, a reasonable comprehension of the venture’s ravenousness for danger, straightforwardness about the huge dangers to the undertaking, and inserting of danger administration obligations into the association.
PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: They have kept up tracks and screens technique execution, venture consummation, asset utilization, process execution and administration conveyance, utilizing, for instance, adjusted scorecards that make an interpretation of system enthusiastically to accomplish objectives quantifiable past traditional bookkeeping.
2. Suppose senior management has tasked you with the planning of the COBIT compliance project. In terms of the COBIT framework, predict which key areas are likely to be problematic to implement. Suggest at least two (2) possible solutions to these problematic areas. 
Risk management
IT hazard administration does not work “out of the container.” It is not an item to buy or a strategy to set up. Rather, it is a procedure of business danger administration that must be performed on a progressing premise. It is basic for an association to ceaselessly inspect the dangers and security destinations inside its business surroundings, and efficiently heat insurance into the way it works. This should be done to manage risks.
Finding out that there is      straightforwardness about the critical dangers to the endeavor what’s      more, illuminating the danger going for broke shirking approaches of the      venture. 
Staying alert that the last      obligation regarding hazard administration rests with the board along      these lines, when designating to official administration, ensuring the      limitations of that assignment are conveyed and obviously caught on.
Information Security Governance
Overseeing interests in the execution and operation of controls is basic, since security can be a costly and tedious undertaking, and experience has demonstrated that vast totals of cash can be squandered on incapable or insufficiently actualized specialized arrangements. In any case, demonstrating security ROI can be troublesome since genuine decreases in misfortunes or occurrences must be appeared, and it is at times difficult to know whether a danger has been averted (Fletcher, 2006). Some of the possible solution toward achieving this is:
Everybody comprehends that security      won’t be fulfilled essentially by the arrangement of a security chief –      the security capacity is there to help administration and security is at      last the obligation of everybody. 
Any deficiency of gifted asset around      there is tended to, as it might be unimaginable to hold all the      fundamental aptitudes and capacities in-house.
ISACA, COBIT 5 Implementation, USA, 2012, chapter 3 and chapter 6
Shahi, M., Sadoughi, F., & Ahmadi, M. (2015). Information Technology Governance 7(3), 200.
Fletcher, M. (2006). Five domains of information technology governance for consideration by boards of directors (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oregon).
Book Review
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Freedom Struggles 
Book Review
The book Freedom Struggles by Adriane Danette Lentz-Smith examines accounts of more than 200,000 black soldiers who were in the frontline of the war and the impact of what they saw during warfare. The author starts with a captivating statement which says that she does not want to tell a story about war but rather wishes to tell a story through war. The book goes on further to state that the American modern civil rights movement which turned out to be one of the most vital moments in recent history in terms of social movements was a result of the struggle to bring down Jim Crow (Lentz-Smith, 2009). The issues that the soldiers had to go through during the war are also highlighted in the book which focuses on the definition and ideology of war in the mind of African Americans. For them it was not yet over after 1918 and this brought about a sense of the need for the American nation to restore democracy through equal citizenship. The war highlighted the need for urgent equal rights. Lentz Smith says that the war’s end the black American soldiers ceased the need to earn equal rights and sought to demand them. Black and white soldiers at the frontline clashed with one another just as they did their enemies. The African Americans fought back fiercely.
The war which lasted from 1914-1918 had originally been thought to last only for a few weeks but went on to last four years (Guglielmo, 2018). The American president then Mr. Woodrow Wilson had initially promised to keep America out of the war, citing that it was a European issue that he didn’t need to concern himself with. By the time it was 1917 however the elements of the war had reached American shores after Germany sank several vessels carrying American passengers in the Atlantic Ocean. The president then declared that “the world must be made safe for democracy” and said that America’s involvement in the war is to make the world safe for the rights of democracy to prevail on a global level. Many African Americans identified themselves with this statement by the president and in turn used it as a driving statement for their civil rights movement. They said that America should first of all clean its own mess within its borders by recognizing all citizens as equal before embarking on a global crusade to do the same. It was the driving force of the impending civil rights movement that was to happen. Many African Americans refused to take part in the war terming it as hypocritical that America would treat them as second class citizens and still demand” 100 percent Americanism” in the war.
Different societies at certain times in history have been wronged by others and therefore this hinders great multicultural development among the generations to come which is the moral lesson learnt from the book. This is part of the reason why even politics, sports and other fields of life are filled with claims of racial profiling and making decisions based on ethnic or racial discrimination (Lentz-Smith, 2009). Some black celebrities get entangled in messy or controversial situations like sex scandals, jail convictions and drugs and end up losing a successful career that would have otherwise been the inspiration to many people in the black community.
Lentz-Smith, A.D.(2009). Freedom Struggles. Havard University Press.
Guglielmo, T.A (2018).A Martial Freedom Movement: Black GI’s Political Struggles during World War II. Journal of American History, 104(4), 879-903.
Code of Ethics
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Code of Ethics
In the current world, businesses are both driven and disrupted by software, which is created at a record-setting pace to run nearly everything. The continuous technological evolution has hugely changed the manner in which firms are run today. As the race hits up among firms looking to be leaders-to-market with the next products or services, consideration on the implications of such gadgets and systems which they may have on the society often are overlooked. Code of ethics is therefore required among tech companies in order to ensure that their intentions are good willed when it comes to delivering goods and services. Among the most effective ways which businesses can achieve transparency is through developing their own internal code of ethics which may include;
1) Outside Activities
Unless an employee has been appropriately authorized and disclosed, in general, he or she should not engage in outside activities, perform outside services or accept outside employment for compensation; including a fee received for consultation, and if the action will subject the company to criticism, lead to conflict of interest, reflect adversely on the company, interfere with one’s regular duties, or, encroach upon working time. Any worker is encouraged to seek guidance from Senior Compliance Officer or their supervisors in the determination of the appropriateness of any such activities (Trevino, Linda & Katherine, 2016). 
Unless required by judicial order, the company’s Executive Officer must approve any public testimony, in advance before any governmental agencies or legislative bodies, or any other outside speaking engagement, publications, or industry conferences, referring or relating to the company business. 
Subject to the general limitations, one may engage in other outside speaking engagements, publications, or public testimonies which do not refer or relate to the company, such as speaking or writing finance homework.
2)  Corporate Opportunities
The company employees who are covered by the Code owe a duty to the company to advance its business interests when such opportunities arise, and they are prohibited from; using corporate information or property for individual gain; taking personal opportunities discovered through exploitation of the company property; competing with the company during employment. 
The business opportunities which are actively solicited by, or that were pursued by, or are offered to, any individual covered by the code using the company’s facilities, funds, or personnel belong to the business (Riek & Howard, 2014). An employee should not take for his or her own benefit, to assist others take for their benefit an opportunity which belongs to the company unless such opportunity sis first offered to the company and declined, and if the worker’s involvement will not pose a conflict. Such business opportunities may include; lease, loans, investment, or other transactions. An employee should not engage in self-dealing with the company, or any other business which the company competes with it. 
3)  Fair Dealing
Any person covered by the code must undertake to deal fairly with the company’s fellow employees, guests, competitors, and suppliers. Again no individual should stake unfair advantage or another through manipulation, abuse of privileged information, concealment, misrepresentation of material facts, or other unfair dealing practices. 
Workers must disclose prior to the time of hire if other employment agreements exist, non-solicitation or non-compete agreement, confidentiality agreement or similar agreement which in any manner prohibits or restricts the performance of responsibilities and duties of their positions with the company (Kaplan, Francis, Hermann, Baca, Good nough, Hodges & Wade, 2017). Copies of such agreements should be provided to the company’s Senior Compliance Officer together with another authorized Executive Officer to permit the agreement evaluation highlight of the worker’s position. 
In no any event will workers be entitled to using any proprietary information, trade secrets, or other similar acquired in the course of employment with other employers, in his or her duty performance for or on behalf of the business. 
Trevino, Linda K., and Katherine A. Nelson. Managing business ethics: Straight talk about how to do it right. John Wiley & Sons, 2016.
Riek, L., & Howard, D. (2014). A code of ethics for the human-robot interaction profession.
Kaplan, D. M., Francis, P. C., Hermann, M. A., Baca, J. V., Goodnough, G. E., Hodges, S., … & Wade, M. E. (2017). New concepts in the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics. Journal of Counseling & Development, 95(1), 110-120. 

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