instead of descrabing a specific individual, paint a word picture of a general t

instead of descrabing a specific individual, paint a word picture of a general type of person.
Use the title to describe an opinion of the topic, for example “the spoiled kid” or “the bookworm”.
Select a type that will be recognized by the reader. Don’t waste time, start with a broad statement that will
make a general overall expression of the subject. Describe the characters physical appearance by either
1: comparisons 2: vivid words (primarily vivid nouns and verbs) 3: words that appeal to the sences.
Relate tyoical actions of the character, 1: place them in a typical setting. 2: relate an incident or an
anecdote. Be selective in the choice of supporting details, if you choose to emphasize one specific trait
of the type in the sketch (neatness, lazyness, etc) select only the details which illustrate the trait.
Also don’t include too much physical description, remember that the purpose is to reveal character.
Only include a physical detail if it illustrates a facet of the subjects character. The topic I would like to
be written about is the “the penny pincher”


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