International Travel & Tourism | My Assignment Tutor

International Travel & TourismUnit 28: Corporate Events ManagementLO4 Evaluate the process of planning andpromoting a corporate event.• Planning the event1Learning Objectives:• After studying this chapter you should be able tounderstand :• Setting strategic objectives of an event.• Define the business event experience.• Identify and evaluate different venues accordingto the intended event experience2Planning the event Companies can organise events for smallgroups of people, or big events with thousandsof attendees. Organising an event can be a daunting task,particularly for an individual or committeeplanning an event for the first time. While the scale of the events varies dramatically,the principles of event management essentiallyremain the same.3Corporate Events ManagementEvent planning is a stressful, time consumingand expensive activity.An event management company has theexpertise and industry contacts to offer adependable service, at an affordable price.4Why event planning is so important.When holding an event of any kind,proper planning is crucial to ensure its success.Everyone wants their events to run smoothly,and using an events management companycan help to reduce stress and enable theorganisers to enjoy their event.5Good Planning & Communication Is KeyCareful planning and good communication isvital. It is important to have a plan in place thatclearly outlines expectations, strategicobjectives and is shared will all parties involved.Ensure the event is clearly communicated to alldelegates and smaller details including travel,accommodation, event timetables and seatingarrangements are considered in advance.6Planning and preparationEffective planning and preparation are crucialto the success of an event. There arenumerous elements involved in planning andpreparation.It is useful to compile an event plan, orchecklist, which will ensure that all aspects ofthe event are considered and adequatelyaddressed in the planning stages.7Purpose of the eventIn planning an event it is important tounderstand why the event is being held, who itis for and who it will benefit.Having a clear focus and defined objectiveswill help direct the planning process.It is important to know the goals andobjectives of the event.8Purpose of the eventCorporate events are generally instigated for areason and it should remain the key objectiveduring the planning process.Especially if event is designed to bringengagement and resolve conflict in theworkplace.The right event should be tailored to eventaudience needs e.g a team building event for atechnology led business will require innovativethinking and futuristic, bespoke event solutions.9Decide on the audience.An important part of the planning process isdefining your target audience.Is it your company’s executives, managers,long time clients, business partners,community members, or a combination of afew of these or other groups?Once you can name your audience, the eventcan e catered to their needs and interests.10Finance and budgetWhen preparing for an event it is importantthat all sources of income and all costs areaccounted for, including hidden costs and inkind support.Developing an event checklist before thebudget will ensure that all costs are considered.The event manager or organising committeeshould work closely with a financial manager orclub treasurer to ensure the event follows therelevant financial procedures.11Finances and budgetWhen preparing for an event it is important thatall sources of income and all costs are accountedfor, including hidden costs and in-kind support.Developing an event checklist before the budgetwill ensure that all costs are considered.The event manager or organising committeeshould work closely with a financial manager orclub treasurer to ensure the event follows therelevant financial procedures12Timing and location of the eventThe venue is vital to the success of the event.There needs to be a connection between theevent and the venue; Is there enough space?Does it accommodate the needs of yourevent?Does it have accommodation?It is important to ensure the venue meets allevent needs.13Timing and location of the eventWith regard to location, there are manyvariables to consider, including the availabilityof facilities, accommodation, transport, and thesupport of local stakeholders.14The organising committee and event managerThere is usually more than one personinvolved in organising a sport or recreationevent.In many cases it is useful to establish anorganising committee and clearly assign rolesand responsibilities to committee members.There should be an event manager appointedwho has overall control of the event and isultimately responsible for the major decisionsand directions of the committee.15Event checklistIn order to allocate responsibilities to individualson the organising committee, the committee musthave a clear idea of all the different aspects of theevent, including venue, equipment, staffing,communication, catering, garbage, toilets, moneyhandling, medical, hospitality, transport, prizes,trophies and ceremonies.16Approvals and legal requirementsWhen organising an event in a public facility, oron land owned by someone other than theorganising groupIt is important to get the approval and anypermits or licences required by the propertyowners or land managers.17Implementation and evaluationEvent delivery If sufficient time and effort hasbeen put into planning and preparation, theevent should run smoothly. The eventmanager should have a checklist of tasks withtime frames to keep the event on track.Effective communication is essential toensure the event goes to plan.During the event it is important to take thetime to publicly acknowledge the contributionof staff, volunteers and sponsors.18Event deliveryIf sufficient time and effort has been put intoplanning and preparation, the event should runsmoothly.Effective communication is essential toensure the event goes to plan.During the event it is important to take thetime to publicly acknowledge the contributionof staff, volunteers and sponsors.19Post eventAfter the event has been held, the followingshould occur:Formally thank all those involved inorganising and running the eventContact the media with any final results andmedia releasesReview the event and keep an accuraterecord of the organising committee’s methodsand activities in order to learn from anymistakes and to make the process oforganising future events easier.20Post eventThis information can then share with all therelevant stakeholders so an appropriatefollow-up can be planned.The lessons you learn will help you refineyour planning for the next event.2122Any Question?


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