Is this going to hurt our grade? Is it okay to use written responses  as the core of our analysis ? What should we do?Explain your answer.

Following up on Freddy/I’s conversation with Elham last week , we’ve only been able to conduct one interview thus far. I’ve reached out again to people, and… well… no responses.

I can attest that we’ve all put a lot of time and effort into this project , and I know that we really want to be pushing for as good a mark as we can get, but I’m a little concerned about the lack of interviewees. Is this going to hurt our grade? Is it okay to use written responses  as the core of our analysis ? What should we do? Dr. Craige, I know you’re incredibly busy, so no rush on a reply, but as I said earlier, I don’t want our hard work to be wasted!


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