You in groups of 3 will develop a program design using a number of methodologies and produce a report.
The report worth 20% will include defining diagram, control structures required, pseudocode of the proposed algorithm, and desk checking based on addressing issues with a traditional business problem.
As part of the assignment your group will have to present your work in class worth 10% of the assessment.
A parts inventory record contains the following fields:
- Record code, (only code 11 is valid)
- Part number (six characters; two alpha and four numeric, for example, AA1234)
- Part description
- Inventory balance.
1) Design an algorithm that will read the file of parts inventory records, validate the record code and part number on each record, and print the details of all valid inventory records that have an inventory balance equal to zero.
2) Design a program that will read the same parts inventory file described in Problem 1, validate the record code and part number on each record, and print the details of all valid records whose part numbers fall within the values AA3000 and AA3999 inclusive. Also print a count of these selected records at the end of the parts listing.
3) Design a program that will produce the same report as in Problem 2, but, in addition, print at the end of the parts listing a count of all the records whose part number falls between AA3000 and AA3999, as well as a count of all records whose part numbers begin with the value ‘AA’.