ITECH3001 Assignment 2- System evaluation

ITECH3001 Assignment 2- System evaluation :

ITECH3001 Assignment 2- System evaluation

Table of Contents

Understanding the purpose of the charity website. 3

1.  Introduction. 3

2. Aims and objectives. 3

3. Charity’s approach. 3

Background research on evaluating and testing for usability. 4

1. Approaches to usability testing and evaluation. 4

2. Discussion of different approaches for usability testing. 5

3. Critical assessment of usability testing. 6

Implementation of the usability testing of the website. 7

1. Justification of used methods. 7

2. Usability test 8

3. Test environment 8

4. Elements of the usability test 9

5. Scenarios of usability test 9

6. Discussion of usability testing. 10

7. Summary. 11

Recommendations. 11

Reference. 13

Appendix: Usability testing instruments. 16

Introduction of ITECH3001 Assignment 2- System evaluation

Brief overview of the charity website

Feeding America is a Non-profit organization. Main vision of this organization is to find and feed the nutritious food for every hungry people as they can. For this mission they are closely working with food banks, policy makers, supporters, volunteers, community workers and with other small organization. Key features of this organization.

This organization welcomes everyone to connect with them to end the hunger in America. Anyone can work in any sector like helps in fundraising, donation, actively working volunteers in the field. 

Feeding America is non-profit organization. So, they always clear up with the transparency and accountability of the donation they received. They publish the annual report every year of their whole program by press release and publish in their website too and can see by everyone.

Serving the nutritious food to the hungry people from anywhere in America is great human service. This will help to the needy people to live their life from the basic requirement to live in this 21st century. Which will help to grow their physical and mental growth of the hunger people and live their lives.

Aims and objectives of this ITECH3001 Assignment 2- System evaluation report.


The main aim of this research report is to perform usability testing of the website: is to identify any new improvement required for the evaluated system. Targeted audience from this website are two types. One of them are the finding homeless people and giving information to the organization through website. On the other side organization looking for the donor, volunteers, supporters, farmers and food manufacturer to reach the organization goal. Specially the purpose of the charity organization website is to be very clear must be accessible to every people around the world who visit this website. So

Objectives for ITECH3001 Assignment 2- System evaluation

To scrutinize the used techniques and graphics used for evaluating the website feeding America.

To evaluate the graphics design interface design and the performance usability of the website system

To elucidate the data and information and analyse the result after the evaluation is done.

To find the loopholes in the website knee for any improvement, changes in any point of webpages or websites is required for the evaluated system.

3. Charity’s approach

The general expectation of a charity’s website is generally based on the social conscience and social service environment in any sector of community.  Especially build the website for the food service non-profit organization feeding to the homeless, poor, street people is a difficult task. As per the experience of  (morello, 2023) Sometimes, farmers grow more produce than expected. Instead of discarding that food, Feeding America partners with farmers to deliver that food to local food banks. In fact, Feeding America is the nation’s largest food rescue organization. In 2022 alone, the Feeding America network kept 3.6 billion pounds of good food from the landfill, including nearly 860 million pounds from growers. Similarly, the organization working closely with every partner to end the hunger of American. So, this is one of the important organizations for the American community.

The main and important ITECH3001 Assignment 2- System evaluation task of the charity is to create and recruit a Board of directors who is efficient, social worker, polite and clear background history for the non-profitable industry.

It is also very important job for organisations to get a person who is experienced with non-profit social activities, polite and gentle with similar kind of background history.

The leader of the organization should be also familiar with the technology because this time most of the activities happening throughout the world by using new technology who can understand and control all the sectors of the organization.

Background research on evaluating and testing for usability.

In the charity organization sector, there are some factors are key points to proof the existence of feeding America is so important. How the system works, research based operated program, board of directors, website, and role of digital media & marketing, and developing the strategic plan for the charity plays an important role to success the charity program in the digital world. In the views and understandings of many authors, donor and volunteers the layout of website and format of webpage should have clear intentions of the charity so, that every people connect with that can believe to the organization. For every stakeholder it is important to have patience, work, discipline, and time management. Also, it requires some legal act as below:

Registration of the charity organization to solicit is very important within the government law. So that can help a charity organization to legally ask for donations. The website has a safe online electronically donation process from around the world for any people.

Fundraising is another difficult task for an organization, so it needs a clear intentions of charity program for the needy people with transparency accountability.

By using the digital platform, the cashflow will be less so most of the fund will go for the needy people.

Approaches to usability testing

Usability testing is a process or real time user experience from different aspects of point such as like easy to track the user’s requirement, varies according to the site. The website should be easy to access by the new visitor. Usability testing is not a same way for everyone, they may have different expectations. In this testing with a group of users of different aged and different sector people. I have sent the useability instrument to different five recruiters through email with my chosen website feeding America to share their experience.

Discussion of different approaches for usability testing

Usability testing is a crucial process in the development of any website or software. It involves testing the user-friendliness of the website or software and identifying areas that need improvement. There are different approaches to usability testing, and in this discussion, we will explore some of the most common approaches.

1. In-person testing: This approach involves inviting users to a physical location and observing their interactions with the website or software. The users may be asked to complete specific tasks while the observer takes notes and records their observations. This approach is useful in gathering detailed feedback from users and understanding their experience in real-time.

2. Remote testing: This approach involves testing the website or software from a remote location. Users may be given a set of tasks to complete, and their interactions with the website or software are recorded and analyzed. This approach is useful when physical testing is not possible or when the target audience is geographically dispersed.

3. Expert review: This approach involves having usability experts review the website or software to identify areas that may cause usability issues. The experts may use heuristic evaluations or cognitive walkthroughs to identify potential issues. This approach is useful when time or resources are limited, and quick feedback is needed.

4. A/B testing: This approach involves testing two versions of the website or software with different groups of users to determine which version performs better. The users are typically randomly assigned to one of the two groups and asked to complete specific tasks. This approach is useful in identifying the most effective design elements and improving the overall user experience.

5. Prototype testing: This approach involves testing a prototype or mockup of the website or software before it is fully developed. This allows for feedback and changes to be made early in the development process, saving time and resources. This approach is useful in identifying potential usability issues and making necessary changes before the final product is released.

In the case of Feeding America Organization we have used remote testing approach and have asked candidates to fill up forms on the basis of provided scenario.

Critical assessment of usability testing

Remote usability testing has become increasingly popular as a method to evaluate the usability of websites, applications, and digital products. While it offers many advantages, there are also critical aspects that need to be considered when conducting remote usability testing.

While remote usability testing offers advantages such as cost-effectiveness, wider geographic reach, and convenience, it is essential to be aware of its limitations and potential biases. Combining remote testing with other research methods, such as in-person testing or user interviews, can help mitigate these limitations and provide a more comprehensive understanding of user experiences and usability challenges.

1. Limited Contextual Understanding: One of the main challenges with remote usability testing is the lack of physical presence and direct observation of participants. Unlike in-person testing, remote testing makes it difficult to capture the full context in which users interact with a product. This can lead to a limited understanding of users’ environment, distractions, or real-world usage scenarios, potentially affecting the accuracy of the test results.

2. Technical Limitations: Remote testing heavily relies on participants’ internet connection, device capabilities, and their proficiency in using the required technology. Technical issues, such as audio/video problems or software compatibility, can arise and disrupt the testing process. These limitations can introduce additional variables that may affect the participants’ experience and the overall validity of the results.

3. Lack of Non-Verbal Cues: In-person usability testing allows researchers to observe participants’ non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, or frustration levels. Remote testing, on the other hand, relies mostly on verbal communication and screen sharing. This limited interaction can make it challenging to capture subtle reactions or emotions, potentially impacting the ability to fully understand participants’ experiences and identify usability issues accurately.

4. Limited Control and Guided Exploration: With remote testing, researchers have less control over participants’ actions and the test environment. In-person testing allows for direct guidance and control of participants’ interactions, ensuring specific tasks are completed and potential distractions are minimized. Remote testing relies on participants to navigate the product independently, which may result in deviations from the intended test script or missed observations.

5. Technical Bias and Skill Level: Remote usability testing tends to attract participants who are comfortable with technology and have a higher level of digital literacy. This can introduce a bias, as the test results may not fully represent the broader user population. Certain user groups, such as older adults or individuals with limited technology skills, may be underrepresented, potentially leading to incomplete insights into usability challenges they might face.

6. Limited Collaboration and Iterative Feedback: Remote testing can present challenges in facilitating real-time collaboration and iterative feedback with stakeholders or team members. In-person testing allows for immediate discussions, clarifications, and brainstorming sessions between researchers, designers, and other stakeholders. Remote testing may require additional efforts to facilitate effective communication and collaboration, potentially impacting the efficiency and quality of the testing process.

7. Ethical Considerations: Remote testing may present additional ethical considerations compared to in-person testing. Ensuring data privacy, obtaining informed consent, and maintaining participant confidentiality become crucial when remote sessions are conducted in participants’ private environments. Researchers must take appropriate measures to protect participants’ privacy and ensure compliance with ethical guidelines.


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