Journal paper #1: Review at least 3 articles on international business challenge

Journal paper #1: Review at least 3 articles on international business challenges involving globalization. Discuss these articles in terms of 1) what the challenge is and why, 2) how did the organization’s address, and 3) what was the impact? Make sure to compare and contrast the approaches using theories from the course as well as your own organization and/or industry. NO PLAGIARISM AND NO SPELLING AND GRAMMAR MISTAKES Instructions: Journal articles are 3 or 4 page-papers (total number of pages not to exceed 7 pages) written in APA format (12 font, Times New Roman, double-spaced with title page, abstract, and reference sections) that critically examine peer-reviewed literature, video, news articles, and other media. Each Journal Article is due in the week assigned before 11:55 pm EST on Wednesday nights. All papers are to be submitted in Campus Web; upload files via the links which will be located in the Coursework section for “Assignments”. Papers will be graded, posted, and available for comment within 7 calendar days of the submission date. The students will be submitting one of these papers each week between weeks 2-6. The format of the paper will include 1) a critical evaluation of sources provided to students, 2) an evaluation of similarities and differences between those sources and our sponsor international business, and 3) a reflection on how this corresponds to the student’s research and/or industry. Note: The use of direct quotes from reference material is strongly discouraged as it does not illustrate the synthesizing of the information nor does it promote critical thinking. 

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