Key Concept Exercise: Identifying research topics Choosing a research topic is the first important step in any research process. The topic needs to be focused and the overall intended research should be feasible, with clear expectations regarding the contribution it is expected to make to academia. For this week's Key Concept Exercise you present your motivation for doing research by considering your own interests in a specific research field. In addition, you discuss if/how your proposed topic has been stu

Week 1 Assessments

This week:

By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit the Academic Integrity Declaration

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin

By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

Key Concept Exercise: Identifying research topics

Choosing a research topic is the first important step in any research process. The topic needs to be focused and the overall intended research should be feasible, with clear expectations regarding the contribution it is expected to make to academia.

For this week’s Key Concept Exercise you present your motivation for doing research by considering your own interests in a specific research field. In addition, you discuss if/how your proposed topic has been studied previously by making reference to academic sources which explore the same, or similar, topics.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

Read the required Learning Resources for Week 1

Consider your journey through the programme so far and the topic-problem areas you have encountered during your study and/or from your professional practice

To complete this Key Concept Exercise:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

In approximately 500 words, describe the research topic-problem you might be interested in researching, and describe the reasons why

In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:

What would be your interest in conducting a study on this topic?

Has this topic been discussed in the academic literature? Identify at least two research papers that motivated your thoughts

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to the Turnitin Link provided.

When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that the potential Research Topic that you propose and discuss this week will not be ‘set in stone’ and as you progress through the class. Indeed, it is expected that this will evolve and be refined as you achieve the Learning Outcomes of the Module. Please also note that the proposed Topic should be clearly linked to the specific degree field that you are studying (Human Resources, Marketing or Management).

Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.

The Key Concept Exercise for this week is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback. Give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.

To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 1 Key Concept Exercise — Turnitin – FF.

By Day 7 (Wednesday)

Post 3-5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:

Providing constructive critique on the scope and significance of proposed research topics

Contributing suggestions on how the topic might be narrowed as appropriate

Suggesting additional ways in which a research project on their proposed topic would contribute to knowledge

Highlighting possible ethical issues and feasibility constraints with a research project in this area

This week’s Collaboration is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback – give the assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.

Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the Learning Objectives for each activity.

To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the “Week 1 Collaboration Forum” link.

For only $40, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: 

Week 2 Assessments
This week:
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

Key Concept Exercise: The purpose and value of academic research
The most important step in framing and meeting the objectives of your research is to formulate a set of well-defined research questions or testable hypotheses.
For this week’s Key Concept Exercise, using the two published papers provided in your field, you will review the motivation behind framing research topics and choosing specific sets of research questions, evaluate methodologies used within the context of the main objectives of the research and the wider literature on the topics, and finally discuss the potential contributions that the two articles make.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 2
Consider the two papers from your degree field in the Required Learning Resources, specifically thinking about how you may evaluate their strengths and weaknesses
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In approximately 500 words, critically evaluate ONE of the sample research articles provided from your degree field, addressing its strengths and weaknesses
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What motivated the research?
·         What research questions were explored?
·         What was the methodology followed by the researcher(s)?
·         How did the findings contribute to academia?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to the Turnitin Link provided.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 2 Key Concept Exercise — Turnitin.

By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3-5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:
Examining similarities and differences in your critical evaluations of the content of the reviewed article
Identifying lessons from the reviewed articles and how these could be applied to your own research project and those of colleagues
Proposing ways in which additional research might be conducted on the same or similar topics
Asking insightful questions about colleagues’ interpretations of ideas from the Learning Resources
Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the Learning Objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the “Week 2 Collaboration Forum” link.

Week 3 Assessments

This week:
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin
By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin

Key Concept Exercise: Methodology and methods
Linking paradigm and methodology and choosing an appropriate methodology lie at the heart of research.
Whether using a case-study, action research, research that relies upon grounded theory, or econometrics, the research design should ensure that the chosen methodological framework meets the objectives of the research, and helps the researcher answer the research questions.
For this week’s Key Concept Exercise you will evaluate the characteristics of the methodologies used in the two papers from your field and consider whether those align to your own research plans.
To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:
Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 3.
Revisit the two papers from your degree field in the Required Learning Resources and consider the paradigms and methodologies used.
To complete this Key Concept Exercise:
By Day 3 (Saturday)
In approximately 500 words, present the paradigms and methodologies used in the TWO articles
In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:
·         What are the advantages and disadvantages of the methodologies implemented in these studies?
·         Which of these could (or could not) be used for your research and why?
·         What could be your feasibility concerns in any case?
By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to the Turnitin Link provided.
When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action.
Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 3 Key Concept Exercise — Turnitin.

By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Post 3-5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:
Examining similarities and differences in your evaluations of different research methodologies and methods and their potential use in different contexts
Debating the need for clear alignment between the research topic, question, and methodology/method, and what this looks like in practice
Identifying lessons from the reviewed articles, and from the Learning Resources, and how these could be applied to your own proposed research projects and those of colleagues
Asking insightful questions about your colleagues’ interpretations of concepts from the Learning Resources
 Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the Learning Objectives for each activity.
To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the “Week 3 Collaboration Forum” link.

For only $40, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at:

Individual Assignment: Planning for your research project
This week, you will complete the first of two Individual Assignments, the second of which will be completed in Week 7. The Individual Assignments are designed to develop your skills at applying the knowledge gained in the module to the development of a potential future proposal for a research project.
The initial stages of the research proposal are illustrated in Figure 6.2 of the text book (Collis & Hussey, 2013, p. 100). This week you will present your topic (keeping in mind the criteria mentioned in your text book Box 6.1 p. 101) research motivation, and pertinent literature reading so far.
To prepare for this Individual Assignment:
Revisit Chapter 6 of your core text, ‘Writing your research proposal’ (Collis & Hussey, 2013, pp. 96-128)
Return to your chosen research topic-problem identified in Week 1 (as subsequently amended) and consider how you may develop your ideas further including literature, research questions, your interest and scope, and feasibility
To complete this Individual Assignment:
By Day 7 (Wednesday)
Prepare a report of approximately 1,500 words in which you:
Present/discuss your chosen research topic from your degree field
Discuss the key arguments and findings from pertinent literature and draft your critical review keeping in mind its purpose
Formulate the main research question(s)
Describe your interest in the topic and questions, demonstrating the motivation for your research, plus the link between your topic/questions and existing research literature
Discuss the feasibility of the study and explain how you can gain access to the data that you need to collect
By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment to the Turnitin Link provided.
Be sure to read over your Individual Assignment before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.
This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.
To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the “View/Complete” link for Week 3 Individual Assignment — Turnitin.

For only $120, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Research project in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or

Week 4 Assessments

This week:

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin

By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio

Key Concept Exercise: Following quantitative research design

The data collection process is always a fundamental element in empirical research.

For this week’s Key Concept Exercise you will shape your research idea within the context of a quantitative research framework, analyse the optimal data collection process that could align to your research idea, explore the strengths and weaknesses of the chosen technique, and finally critically discuss the potential validity and reliability of the data that you plan to collect.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

Read the required Learning Resources for Week 4

Return to your chosen research topic-problem identified in Week 1 (as subsequently amended) and consider a quantitative approach

To complete this Key Concept Exercise:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

In approximately 500 words, explain how your research ideas could take the shape of a quantitative research project.

In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:

·         What specific methods would you implement for data collection and analysis?

·         What type of data would you need to tackle the research question(s)?

·         What are the strengths and weaknesses of the research design?

·         Can you recommend ways to maximise the validity and reliability of the data to be collected?

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to the Turnitin Link provided.

When writing your responses you should synthesise the theory with real-world experience and use examples of the theories in action.

Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.

To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 4 Key Concept Exercise — Turnitin.

By Day 7 (Wednesday)

Post 3-5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:

Providing constructive critique on the scope and significance of quantitative research

Identifying alternative methods that might more effectively enable them to achieve their aims

Highlighting possible ethical issues and feasibility constraints with the collection of primary quantitative data

Ensure that you spread your Collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your Collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the Learning Objectives for each activity.

To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the “Week 4 Collaboration Forum” link.

For only $40, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or

Personal Development Portfolio: Becoming a researcher

The Personal Development Portfolio (PDP) provides the framework to help you expand your academic, professional and career development; build and sustain a personal learning network; articulate your professional goals; and reflect on your skills through various strategies and assessments.

In this module there are two PDP submissions. The first PDP Assignment is due for submission here in Week 4, and the second PDP Assignment is due for submission in the final week of the module, Week 8.

Conducting research and exploring a research topic means dealing with the unknown. Collis and Hussey (2013) make a good point for students in the early stages of their research, maintaining that, apart from gaining a reasonable understanding of your topic, you also need specific skills to overcome the difficulties related to your research.

To prepare for this PDP Assignment:

Reflect on the readings you have encountered in the first 4 weeks of this module.

To complete this PDP Assignment:

By Day 7 (Wednesday)

Write a critically reflective paper (500 words) considering the following:

How has the information that you have discussed in class, researched and read helped you to understand the practice of academic research and the type of research skills that you have developed over your previous modules?

·         Have your ideas and views of academic research changed?

·         How has your understanding of academic research and your own ability to conduct research developed?

·         How will you apply what you have learnt so far when conducting future research?

By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio to the Turnitin Link provided.

This Assignment is not graded, but you will receive feedback from your Instructor to help you improve your work. Please take advantage of this opportunity to learn from your Instructor’s feedback. Give the Assignment your full effort and ask for clarification on any feedback you do not understand.

To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the “View/Complete” link for Week 4 Personal Development Portfolio — Turnitin – FF.

For only $40, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free PDP in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or

Week 5 Assessments

This week:

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin

By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

Key Concept Exercise: Review of quantitative research design

Inferential statistical methods are widely used in research in order to conduct tests of differences for dependent or independent samples, analyse associations between different types of variables and establish relationships using models between dependent and independent variable(s).

For this week’s Key Concept Exercise you will evaluate examples of inferential statistical analysis by discussing empirical results and the strengths, weakness and suitability of different statistical estimation and hypothesis testing procedures.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 5.

It is strongly recommended that you work through the Week 5 Test Your Knowledge Questions and while undertaking your reading. These are located with the Week 5 Learning Resources.

To complete this Key Concept Exercise:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

In approximately 500 words, answer TWO of the FOUR questions in the file provided here on Inferential Statistical Analysis:

Important: Please contact us for the PDF copy of the question through

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to the Turnitin Link provided.

Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.

To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 5 Key Concept Exercise — Turnitin.

Collaboration: Conducting inferential statistical analysis

In your Collaboration you will further discuss statistical analysis with your classmates.

In examining the different inferential statistical methods, consider their fundamental characteristics, underlying assumptions, strengths, weakness and suitability for producing generalisations regarding an unbeknown population.

To prepare for this Collaboration:

Review the required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 5

To complete this Collaboration:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 5 to the Collaboration Forum.

Day 7 (Wednesday)

Post 3-5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:

Providing constructive critique on your classmates’ submissions by analysing further the fundamental characteristics of the inferential statistical methods.

Discussing critically the purposes and wider issues when conducting statistical analyses.

Analysing the suitability of the inferential statistical methods by highlighting their strengths and limitations, with emphasis put on your research plans. 

Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.

To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the “Week 5 Collaboration Forum” link.

For only $40, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or

Week 6 Assessments

This week:

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin

By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

Key Concept Exercise: Following qualitative research design

For this Key Concept Exercise, you will recommend a qualitative research design.

In the previous two weeks, you tailored your original research topic specifically to consider a quantitative design.

Following this week’s introduction and further reading exercises on qualitative research, return back to these initial ideas and recommend a qualitative research design that aligns with the topic under investigation, taking into account the main advantages and disadvantages as well as the main feasibility constraints and your own personal skills.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

Read the required Learning Resources for Week 6

Return to your chosen research topic-problem identified in Week 1 (as subsequently amended) and consider a qualitative approach

To complete this Key Concept Exercise:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

In approximately 500 words, explain how your research ideas could take the shape of a qualitative research project.

In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions:

·         Which qualitative methodology would be most suited to your research paradigm?

·         In what way could you contextualise your research from a qualitative perspective?

·         Which sampling methods would be most valuable for your data collection?

·         What are the key differences in planning your research from a quantitative and qualitative perspective?

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to the Turnitin Link provided.

Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.

To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 6 Key Concept Exercise — Turnitin.

Collaboration: The pros and cons of qualitative research

The emphasis of this week’s Collaboration is on the importance of qualitative research and your ability to select the appropriate methodologies for the collection of the necessary data.

It is important that you highlight the main issues involved in qualitative methodologies. Furthermore, you will try to tease out the strengths and weaknesses of different methods of data collection and sample selection.

To prepare for this Collaboration:

Review the relevant required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 6.

To complete this Collaboration:

Day 3 (Saturday)

Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 6 to the Collaboration Forum.

By Day 7 (Wednesday)

Post 3-5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:

Providing constructive critique on the scope and significance of qualitative research

Identifying alternative methods that might more effectively enable them to achieve their aims

Discussing the role of the researcher in qualitative research design and method selection

Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.

To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the “Week 6 Collaboration Forum” link.

For only $50, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or

Week 7 Assessments

This week:

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin

By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin

Key Concept Exercise: Review of qualitative research design

While neither quantitative nor qualitative approaches can be considered completely without bias, qualitative methodologies and methods are, by far, the more subjective of the two.

In all research, the presence of the researcher, their choices and their interpretations, have a bearing on the work undertaken and data collection methods chosen.

Qualitative researchers have a greater level of involvement drawing on their own backgrounds, experiences and perceptions in their interpretation of the data collected. Qualitative research, therefore, has a degree of ‘built-in’ bias which should be acknowledged in a research study.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 7

Return to your qualitative research designs from last week

To complete this Key Concept Exercise:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

In approximately 500 words

·         Critically reflect on the types of qualitative data collection methods that you could use in your research, considering their benefits and limitations.

·         Consider how you might overcome the challenges that you may encounter when implementing research using qualitative methodology, including the management and analysis of data.

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to the Turnitin Link provided.

Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.

To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 7 Key Concept Exercise — Turnitin.

Collaboration: Conducting qualitative analysis

This week you will discuss the different qualitative data analysis techniques recognising potential weaknesses as well as the main validity and reliability concerns.

To prepare for this Collaboration:

Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 7.

To complete this Collaboration:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

Post your Key Concept Exercise from Week 7 to the Collaboration Forum.

By Day 7 (Wednesday)

Post 3-5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:

Discussing critically the purposes and key issues when conducting qualitative data analyses

Exploring the main data quality issues related to validity, reliability, and generalisability

Proposing ways to overcome data quality issues

Highlighting possible ethical issues and feasibility constraints with the collection of primary qualitative data

Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.

To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the “Week 7 Collaboration Forum” link.

For only $40, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free paper in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or

Individual Assignment: Progressing with your research project

This week, you will complete the second of two Individual Assignments, the first of which was undertaken in Week 3. The Individual Assignments are designed to develop your skills at applying the knowledge gained in the module to the development of a potential future proposal for a research project.

Once you have established the research topic and framed your research question(s) you will need to consider how you will tackle these questions. This involves taking decisions related to the methodology to be followed as well as the chosen methods for data collection and analysis (quantitative or qualitative).

To prepare for this Individual Assignment:

Review your Week 3 Individual Assignment and Instructor feedback.

Consider how you may develop your ideas further, including epistemological stance, methodology, validity and reliability of the research design, data collection methods, sampling techniques, participant profile, data access, and ethics.

To complete this Individual Assignment:

By Day 7 (Wednesday)

Prepare a report of approximately 1,500 words in which you:

Discuss your chosen methodology and method for the collection of your data

Indicate which methodology (such as survey, case study, action research) you wish to employ and why

Explain how this is consistent with your epistemological stance

Discuss the threats to validity and reliability contained in this research design

Describe the data collection method(s) you will use (such as questionnaire, interviews, focus groups), and justify how these will be sufficient to answer your research question

Describe your sampling technique and the reasons for the profile of your respondents when collecting primary data

What are the problems that you may encounter in gaining access to your data? Provide strategies that can be useful to help you solve these problems

Are there any ethical issues that you need to consider?

Provide a brief discussion on how you plan to analyse your data and the tools that you may need for a proper analysis based on your method

By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Individual Assignment to the Turnitin Link provided.

Be sure to read over your Individual Assignment before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.

This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.

To submit your Individual Assignment to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 7 Individual Assignment — Turnitin.

For only $120, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Individual Assignment in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at: or

Week 8 Assessments

This week:

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin

By Day 3 (Saturday), post your Key Concept Exercise to the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), respond to your colleagues’ in the Collaboration Forum

By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio

By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your UoL Satisfaction Survey

Key Concept Exercise: Following mixed methods research design

Mixed methods research provides a new way for some researchers to tackle a complicated research problem.

The key purpose is to investigate the problem by using the advantages of both quantitative and qualitative methods to enrich the approach. However, at the same time, it requires knowledge of both methods of data collection and analysis and a good reason for the choices made. 

For this week’s Key Concept Exercise, you will consider whether a mixed method would fit (or not) your research topic-problem and the anticipated barriers to data integration.

To prepare for this Key Concept Exercise:

Read the Required Learning Resources for Week 8.

Return to your chosen research topic-problem identified in Week 1 (as subsequently amended) and consider whether a mixed methods approach would be appropriate and why

To complete this Key Concept Exercise:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

In approximately 500 words, explain why mixed methods might fit (or not) your research project.

In formulating your Key Concept Exercise, consider the following questions: 

What are the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen method?

Critically analyse the reasons why you would proceed (or not) with the adoption of mixed methods

What are the barriers to data integration which you would expect at this stage of the research?

What are the potential limitations and problems associated with adopting a mixed methods approach for a relatively short research project – for example, a dissertation of 9 months’ duration?

By Day 3 (Saturday), submit your Key Concept Exercise to the Turnitin Link provided.

Be sure to read over your Key Concept Exercise before submitting it to your Instructor. Make sure the spelling and grammar are correct and the language, citing and referencing you use when providing your opinion are appropriate for academic writing.

To submit your Key Concept Exercise to Turnitin, click the “View/Complete” link for Week 8 Key Concept Exercise — Turnitin.

Collaboration: Integrating qualitative and quantitative data

For your Collaboration, you further discuss mixed methods with your classmates.

In examining the suitability of mixed methods for your research project, consider the type and sources of data that would be needed and the benefits, if any, as well as the expected limitations related mainly to the additional resources, skills and robust data integration that are required.

To prepare for this Collaboration:

Review the Required Learning Resources and your Key Concept Exercise from Week 8.

To complete this Collaboration:

By Day 3 (Saturday)

Post your Key Concept Exercis fie from Week 8 to the Collaboration Forum.

By Day 7 (Wednesday)

Post 3-5 replies to your classmates’ posts in the Collaboration Forum by:

Providing constructive critique on the scope and significance of mixed methods designs

Highlighting possible ethical issues and feasibility constraints with the collection of mixed methods data

Explaining the most important barriers to integration of qualitative and quantitative data

 Ensure that you spread your collaboration posts across at least three separate days of each week. This will help maximise the value of your collaboration with classmates and serve to meet the learning objectives for each activity.

To access the Collaboration Forum, click on the “Week 8 Collaboration Forum” link.

For only $40, our experts will help you get a well-researched plagiarism-free Individual Assignment in line with UOL standards. Please contact us via email at:  or

Personal Development Portfolio: Reflective paper

How has your understanding of your research study changed since this module started? This week, you will reflect on the basic research principles and knowledge that you have acquired in this module.

This final PDP Assignment aims to build on the knowledge from the module and apply this to the real world.

This Research Methods module has provided you with an understanding of the principles and skills needed in order to design and conduct business management research.

This week’s Personal Development Portfolio activity will enable you to reflect on your learning and experiences. You will consider how these concepts will apply to the next step, whether this is relating to academic research project or any other research that you may undertake for the investigation of a business problem in your professional context.

To prepare for this PDP Assignment:

Reflect on the readings you have encountered in the 8 weeks of this module

Revisit your PDP submission in Week 4

To complete this PDP Assignment:

By Day 7 (Wednesday)

Write a critically reflective paper (1,000 words):

In completing the PDP, now in Week 8 reconsider the questions posed in Week 4:

·         How has the information that you have discussed across the entire class, researched and read helped you to understand the practice of academic research and the type of research skills that you have developed over your previous modules?

·         Have your ideas and views of academic research now changed?

·         How has your understanding of academic research and your own ability to conduct research developed?

·         How will you apply what you have learnt so far and overall when conducting future research?

Additionally, consider:

·         What is the importance of ethical conduct in research, and how might this influence any potential, future research projects that you undertake?

By Day 7 (Wednesday), submit your Personal Development Portfolio to the Turnitin Link provided.

This assignment is graded. See the rubric for specific grading criteria.

To submit your initial response to Turnitin, click on the “View/Complete” link for Week 8 Personal Development Portfolio


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