KEY INFORMATIONDue date Refer to the UC Unit Outline

Due date Refer to the UC Unit Outline for the current teaching period
Weighting 15%
Relevant chapters 1 ? 2
Assessment format Submit in .doc or.docx format
Length 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
Specific requirements Include academic journals, papers,and books sourced from the library, course content and webinars, and additional media suggested in the webinars. Use Harvard or APA 7th edition style. Minimum of five academic or research references should be included.
On successful completion of this assessment, students will be able to:
§ Explain various personality types and link criteria to research evidence on leadership application results
§ Clearly articulate their own preferred approach to leadership and critically situate that style with reference to the research evidence.
§ UC graduates are professional – communicate effectively
§ UC graduates are professional – employ up-to-date and relevant knowledge and skills
§ UC graduates are professional – use creativity, critical thinking, analysis and research skills to solve theoretical and realworld problems
§ UC graduates are global citizens – make creative use of technology in their learning and professional lives
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – adapt to complexity, ambiguity and change by being flexible and keen to engage with new ideas
§ UC graduates are lifelong learners – evaluate and adopt new technology.
Construct a mentorship proposal (1,000 words) outlining your intended mentorship goals which consists of three assignments as you observe a leader.
For this assignment, you will undertake a personality test and draw upon its results to construct a mentorship portfolio outlining your mentorship goals and observations. This assignment is the first part of your mentorship portfolio and includes completing a leadership and personality skills test and analysing the results and outline your plan to interview and observe a leader.
Section 1 – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
1. First you are required to complete the leadership and personality skills survey 16 Personalities Test. Answer the questions as honestly and accurately as possible. Your survey results should also be included in this assignment and your final portfolio assignment.
2. Interpret the survey results and compare them with your own leadership experience and performance in a professional setting. Summarize the results and personal reflections regarding the results. You should connect and support your reflections with research evidence found in the chapters, readings, and academic resources. In essence, you should link your personality findings to the leadership style research. Use the following questions to guide your thinking:
§ What do you think of the results? Are they accurate?
§ Are there any results that surprised you? If so, would you agree or disagree with the results?
§ How accurate do the results reflect your past experience with other leaders?
§ What type of workplace behaviours and outlook do you consider you conform to the most?
§ Do you believe your personal traits have influenced your previous work and professional behaviours? If so, in what ways?
§ Having considered the relevant research, do you consider the combination of traits and skills sets to be relevant to strong leadership behaviours?
3. Next, use your reflections to establish several goals and objectives. The goals and objectives should be guided by the effective leadership style research. Additionally, you will use the goals and objectives to guide your leader observation and interview portion of your portfolio. Use the following questions to develop your goals and objectives:
§ What personal leadership skills do you wish to improve upon? What is the basis of your thinking?
§ What are your personal goals you want to achieve from this observation exercise? What is the basis of your goals?
§ Is there a type of leadership you are curious to observe in practice? Does the research suggest its relevance to current working conditions?
§ Have you selected a leader for a particular purpose? Do they represent a skill you wish to investigate? Link this as closely as you can to your own personal survey outcomes, personal skills and those advocated in the research.
Section 2 – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
1. Identify a leader or manager who will act as a mentor. This maybe someone you have recently met or someone you already know. You will be required (at a minimum) to complete the following activities with your selected mentor: a. (1) initial interview with your mentor
b. (1) face-to-face meeting (this maybe completed via video)
c. (1) key observation of leadership in practice (Consult with your instructor regarding this requirement. This requirement maybe adjusted to meet COVID safety requirements)
2. Write a proposal outlining your anticipated leadership mentorship observation and interview. Feedback on your proposal will be provided and may require you to adjust the nature of your engagement with your selected mentor for the next assignment.
a. Review your goals and objectives and describe how your selected mentor will help you achieve your goals and objectives. You may want to use the questions above to guide your answer. In addition, use the following questions to guide your proposal:
§ The purpose and scope of the mentorship.
§ Regarding your own skillsets named by the survey, are you actively responding to these results and seeking particular insights to guide you for the future?
§ Has the mentor been selected for a particular reason? Do they excel in a skill you seek to investigate? Was this a skill reflected in your survey?
§ How will activities be structured? When will observations take place and what are some of the practicalities of this mentorship undertaking?
You may organise your report in any manner that best outlines your analysis plan. Here is a sample structure.
1. Cover Page
2. Introduction
a. Summarize what your proposal will review.
3. Proposal Body
a. Section One – Personality Reflection and Goals (500 words)
i. Summary of personality test results
ii. Personality test result reflection
iii. Goals and objectives for your mentor observation and interview
b. Section Two – Leadership Mentorship Activity Proposal (500 words)
i. Describe briefly your selected mentor
ii. Purpose and scope of mentorship iii. Plan for interviews and observation
4. Conclusion
5. List of References
6. Appendix
a. Include personality survey results
§ 1,000 words (10% allowable either way, does not include title page, table of contents, appendix and references)
§ Minimum of 5 references are required ? Use Harvard or APA 7th reference style
§ Times New Roman or Arial (12 pt) are the recommended fonts
§ Include page numbers and your name
§ Include a title page, list of references and any subheadings
§ Ensure you complete the personal skills and traits survey first and use these results to form a basis of your mentorship proposal. You can be critical of the survey results: you do not have to agree with them but think about why this is. Explain your rationale for how this has impacted your mentorship goals and leader selection.
§ The mentor can be someone you know previously, someone you admire, or even someone who is strong in an area you seek to improve upon. Think about personal and formative outcomes of this task! Your mentor cannot be a relative or partner.
§ Consider your own past leadership experience: what were you good at? What feedback did you receive? Are you seeking to receive some feedback on your own personal style? ?How does this relate to the research evidence of effective leadership approaches?
Consider various personality types and what they mean for contemporary leadership performance and the survey results. Links to research.
(25%) Considered interrogation of various personality types and leadership performance analysed closely to survey tasks and underpinned by high level research findings.
Thoroughly researched exploration of personality types. Leadership performance analysed and discussed against survey tasks. Some sound research analysis of personality types and leadership performance/survey Well referenced. Develops scholarly links between personality types and leadership performance, however, needs further elaboration and links to survey. Missing or no consideration of various personality types. Unreferenced or unclear links to leadership performance and survey.
A clearly articulated reflection of students’ individual approach to leadership situated in relational to learnings from research on contemporary leadership models
(25%) Articulate and nuanced reflections on both current and aspired leadership practice. Examples given represent high levels of analysis informed by research. Articulates reflection of both own current and aspired leadership practice. Provides considered examples linked to research evidence. Solid reflection of both current and aspired own leadership practice, with some examples drawn from research. Documents student approach to leadership but needs further exploration and linkage to research. Missing or undeveloped student reflection and aspired
approach to leadership as per the research.
Considered mentor selection and rationale provided that refers to personal skills and
traits as a basis for a particular style of leadership. Link to student survey and the research
(25%) Reflections reveal a deep understanding of selected leadership competencies. Profile choice is very well situated in relation to survey and research evidence. A very considered review of leadership competencies assessment, and considered choice of profiles matched to survey and research evidence Solid outline of leadership skills/competencies and linked to profile selection, survey results and research evidence. Some discussion of chosen leaders’ skills/competencies
Lacks clarity of links to profile choice with survey data and research evidence. Lacking connection to survey, or research, results and minimal coverage of profile choice.
Structured proposal considering mentorship potential outcomes expressed through professional language, sound structure and referencing.
(25%) A highly considered submission; regarding both mentorship scope and
practicalities. Highly professional language expression, structure and referencing. Thorough consideration of mentorship
practicalities. Well structured, professional presentation and referencing. Some mentorship
practicalities are considered but require extension. Submission is appropriate in terms of professional language, structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities require further elaboration and detail. Submission requires refinement of professional language, more structure and referencing. Mentorship
practicalities not considered. Lacking in professional tone and structure. Minimal or absent referencing.


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