Labor relations paper 3-5 pages

A lot of this just needs to be eloborated/made up! This is one of those papers that you really can just bs your way through!


1.            Work on your final paper.  Include the following:

a.    Briefly describe the issues you initially identified while reading the Mock Negotiation Problem.**attached

                                          i.    How did your views differ from those of your teammates? **try to explain how I didn’t really have a good view/understanding what unions in labor groups went through in negotiations

                                        ii.    What research did you provide for your team during this process?  Did it help? *** we broke up our demands and I was gave 3.) Overtime should be on a volunteer basis first and if additional personnel are needed then it can be made mandatory only if additional workers are needed. Persons out of town pre-approved vacations are exempt from mandatory overtime.
— my info I submitted is attached below

b.    Briefly describe the 6-8 demands your team decided on to negotiate. **below

                                          i.    Why did you choose these demands to negotiate? ** we felt this was a good mix of good/current topics?? Elaborate on this!

                                        ii.    Do you feel these demands were adequate for negotiations?  Why or why not? **I would go w/ yes because that is the best/easiest to answer and include reasons why you chose them to negotiate as why you feel these were adequate!

                                       iii.    Choose two demands and give the bargaining zone limits for each.  **from final decisions below!

                                       iv.    What were the results of these two demands? ***From Final Decisions below!

c.    How do you feel the negotiating process went?  Was it smooth? Difficult?  Why? **say it went ok w/ a few bumps in the road because not everyone could effectively communicate in the discussions because of technical problems…

d.    What do you feel could have been done better or differently? **pretty much the above…

e.    Compare your views of labor unions and management before and after this negotiation. **opened my eyes to all of this…

                                          i.    How are your views different than before?

2.            This paper is to be 3-5 pages type written APA format, 12 pt Arial or Times New Roman font, double spaced with 1” margins.  You are to have at least three sources – one of which can be your textbook.  This paper is due no later than Sunday, May 5, 2013 at midnight.  No exceptions!



8 demands:


1.)          Increase the escalator clause from 3 cents to 5 cents for every 0.4 point increase in the CPI. Bi-Annual review of the escalator agreement.
2.) Maintain employee coverage for emergency department usage.
*Company will establish a wellness program which emphasize prevention, smoking cessation, diet, prescription coverage through discount programs such as Medco by mail.
*Company will establish and maintain an employee assistance program for employees dealing with stress and other stress creating situations.
3.) Overtime should be on a volunteer basis first and if additional personnel are needed then it can be made mandatory only if additional workers are needed. Persons out of town pre-approved vacations are exempt from mandatory overtime.
4.) Minimum of two union members serving on the company board of directors at all times.
5.) Extend medical insurance coverage to 90 days for employees on lay-off
6.) 2 weeks paid vacation after 2 years of seniority, 3 weeks after 5 years of seniority.


Final Decisions:


At this time, union and management have reached a settlement on the issues at hand. I will post the issues below and our final decisions on them. We, the union and the management team have worked jointly to negotiate a new contract which we believe will serve the company to operate both in the interest of the business and the interest of the employees.
Management Requests
 Keep wages the same.  Over the 3 year period of the first contract, wages have increased $0.75 hr. //$0.40 from the escalator clause of $0.03 increase per 0.4 percent increase in the CPI. And $0.30 from the operation of the annual improvement factor.

 See COLA, SUB pay and production bonus details under other headings.

2. Contract shall set production standards

Set production standards at 100% for full employee pay and allowing employees the option to leave work for the day with full pay intact once they have met these standards. This may change at the next contract negotiation, however at this time we found it may not be in the best economic interest of the company to offer a financial bonus to employees to create surplus, but we believe that an incentive should be offered to meet these production standards. We have have taken safety and housekeeping factors into consideration and the go-home option will be rotating and offered based on seniority.

3. Reduce SUB pay percentage

  Adjust the sub pay back to 90%

4. Cost share any increase in health premiums with the employee

 Future health care costs will be shared 50/50 between the company and the employee.

5. Modify the wait time before employee is eligible for health and retirement benefits

 The wait time for eligibility for health benefits shall be six months and eligibility for retirement benefits shall be two years. We believe this will help to reduce healthcare costs and still offer a benefits package that will retain and attract employees.

6. Open dialog on flex-time, telecommute, outsourced administrative functions, holidays, sick leave and vacation.

Generally applies to Management and Administrative.


Flex time will be introduced with the expectation of normal 8 hour days/40 hour week.  Identify daily fixed schedule where most all employees are expected to work “core time”.  (Telecommuters to be separately arranged).


Telecommuting will be encouraged for positions wishing and able to do so with consideration to certain core time requirements.


Union Requests

1. The demand is to pay $0.05 instead of $0.03 for every 0.40 % CPI increase, reviewed twice annually.

Keep COLA at $0.03 per 0.40% increase in CPI, reviewed twice annually.

5. Medical coverage for laid off employees: Current contract is 30 days coverage; the demand is for 90 days.

Extend medical coverage for laid off employees to 60 days post notice.


6. Vacation accrual is currently 1 week after 1 year, 2 weeks after 5 years and 3 weeks after 20 years. Demand is for 2 weeks after 2 years and 3 weeks after 5 years.

 Vacation to be 1 week after six months with 1 day per year additional accumulation on employee’s anniversary date with the maximum retained accumulation being 15 days.  Rotational shift workers will have the comparable amount of time off.

3. Overtime: currently the company can require overtime. This continues. The demand is to make overtime volunteers first and mandatory only to the point of filling slots/positions not able to be filled by volunteers. Two historical points here. First, recently the company forced overtime and threatened to fire those not responding. Secondly some employees say supervisors offer overtime to their “friends” and the chance to make overtime money isn’t equally shared.

Overtime will be rotational within skills and departments giving all an equal opportunity for overtime and allowing employees to predict when their obligation to overtime will be.  An alphabetical ranking or apprentice-journeyman-full type of schedule will be adopted.  The unpredictable part is how many employees will be required in any instance but after the first series employees will know if they may be obliged to overtime the next occurrence. 

4.  The current demand is to put TWO representatives on the board. Logically they are thinking that by starting with 2 we might concede to allowing 1.

We have agreed to have one voting member on the board. This is what was asked for in the case study and we, the union believe this will allow us a more open dialogue with management and provide management with more “hands on” company information.

2. The classroom union demand is for a host of wellness programs covering both physical and mental health issues. Recently the company has pushed to eliminate emergency room visits from the health coverage and that employees enroll in an HMO to save on dollars. 

A Union-Management committee will be struck to analyze wellness programs with the mandate to offer a binding proposal to this contract on wellness programs within six months provided that future health care costs are shared 50/50 and wait times for health and retirement are adopted.


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