Learning Goal: I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.As you reflect on the leadership styles and leadership and management attributes discussed in this module, what are the styles and attributes that will help you form your professional identity? Provide a detailed explanation about how each style and attribute will help you form your professional identity.Comparison of Leadership StylesLeadership StyleAutocraticDecision – Making: Makes policy decision and gives the order
Advantage: Order and discipline; good for inexperienced nurses
Disadvantage: Group may not feel responsible, which may lack group initiative
DemocraticDecision – Making: Assists group to make decisions
Advantage: Group provides options and decide on a solution; input from the group may gain respect
Disadvantage: Reviewing the situation may take time
Laissez-FaireDecision – Making: The group makes the decisions – a leader does not interfere
Advantage: Groups with experience are independent; the group influences the results
Disadvantage: Arguments between the group may occur due to hands off the leader and lack of supervision
TransactionalDecision – Making: Assists group to make decisions
Advantage:Focus on the group; provides clear direction; motivate the team with rewards
Disadvantage: The leader may lack flexibility and group input may be limited to none
TransformationalDecision – Making: Engages others in the decision-making process
Advantage: Inspires and motivates the group so the leader can look at the whole picture
Disadvantage: The leader may have something in mind, but the group may not agree; progress may not occur