Limit your essay length to no more than four (4) paragraphs.
Compare & Contrast
From your readings and direct observations, respond to the following prompt about these two images: According to Mary Warner Marien, one photographer/image is “Distinctly American…
– the other, shows antagonism toward the middle class values,” what does she mean by this statement and what can one observe from these images to support her claims.
Compare and Contrast the two (2) Images below. Include their Titles, Photographer’s Name, and the significant similarities and differences observed in these images. In addition to technical information you “must” utilize direct observation in your essay.
photo 1: Author Nadar photo of Theophile Gautier, 1854-55
Method: Albumen Salt Paper Print
photo 2: Artist: Mathew Brady photo of Abraham Lincoln
Method: Salted Paper Print
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