List and provide all of the necessary equipment needed to play the game (eg. Dice, tokens, cards, etc.).

Design and build a board game related to Canadian Geography, focusing on one of these main themes of the course:

Physical geography (ex. Plate tectonics, vegetation, climate, etc.) Human geography (ex. demographics, culture, population distribution, etc.)

Natural Resources (ex. Types of industry, natural resources) Part A: The Board Game

The game must be challenging, but not impossible. It must be suitable for four or more players and playable within an hour

. Create 20 questions based on a main theme, including the answers, for example, Physical geography. Create 10 questions based on each of the other themes, including answers. For example 10 questions on Human geography and 10s questions on Natural Resources. So a total of 40 questions!!!!!!

Remember that questions with options such as True and False or Multiple Choice questions are great options since there is no room for debating the answers during the game!

. Include a title and logo for your game

. The game should be large enough to move players around and have visuals with a geography theme. Include a typed list of instructions for the game. List and provide all of the necessary equipment needed to play the game (eg. Dice, tokens, cards, etc.).
The game should be for about 2 to 4 people to play.
You can make a physical board game or use online platforms like Kahoot since we are online Try to include questions on Sustainability in each area of focus ****


  • Are there hurdles that might prevent some groups or interests from being effectively organized?
  • Discuss about Improving Quality of Care through Mindfulness Based Interventions.
  • Explain how neutralization theory (Sykes and Matza) explain the high rates of crimes against the property.
  • Write an essay exploring Neustadt’s argument that presidential power is fundamentally about persuasion due to the limits of his (or her) formal powers.
  • What will Chicanx feminism look like in 20 years, 50 years, when your grandchildren go to college?
  • List and provide all of the necessary equipment needed to play the game (eg. Dice, tokens, cards, etc.).
  • Briefly state what the cod fishing industry meant in the past in the Atlantic provinces.
  • Describe both the type of threat (e.g., nuclear or chemical weapons attack, bombing, shooting) and the type of perpetrator (e.g., individual directed, enabled, or inspired by a foreign terrorist organization; domestic terrorist affiliated with an organization espousing hateful ideologies; lone actor).
  • Write a paper that focus on the current state education deficit in the world, specifically in regards to children around the globe.
  • What has each group/culture contributed to Western Civilization in terms of ideas, beliefs, or practices?


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