Management Theory and Practice – Management Assignment Help

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Management Theory and Practice

Question No 1. Can you do a SWOT Analysis of any 1 Indian company of your choice dealing in FMCG?

Question No 2. MG Motors have been having a tough time from the time of their launch in India. They feel that there have been a lot of pilferages and wastage in their production and they need to sort it out as soon as possible. Also, the time taken to manufacturer one unit of their cars is extremely high as compared to global benchmarks. They have hired you as a consultant for the same? Can you explain the concepts of JIT and Lean Production to them and help them apply the same in order to reduce their troubles?

Question No 3. Lemon Tree, a premium chain of hotels across the country has suffered tremendous losses during this pandemic and have hired you as a consultant in order to analyze the same

a. Can you explain Political, Economic and Social forces which have had an impact on the business?

b. Can you also help them apply the contingency approach of Modern approach in order to face the pandemic effectively?

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

  • Downloads : 0

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