Many anthropologists point to the violence in the animal kingdom as evidence that human animals are prone innately to violence. From you life-experiences and your readings, do you think we are really inherently violent or have we “learned” violence from others within society?

) Many anthropologists point to the violence in the animal kingdom as evidence that human animals are prone innately to violence. From you life-experiences and your readings, do you think we are really inherently violent or have we “learned” violence from others within society?
2) What do you think the notion of “turning the other cheek” means within the context of satyagraha, ahimsa, and resisting violence and/or aggression?

3) Gandhi and other social activists in history believed that “poverty was the worst form of violence.” What do you think is meant by this statement? Do you agree with the proposition? Can this problem be resolved? Can you offer some suggestions as to how you think it could be accomplished?

4) What comments would you make about the political cartoons (see Powerpoints in Module 2). Did you have some favourites?

Chat # 3

In this chat, I am simply interested to hear your thoughts so far on nonviolence in the struggle for civil rights and “self-determination.” How is it that nonviolent action, as practiced by Gandhi and King, actually changes people’s minds and effects lasting social change?

A follow-up question has to do with brutal regimes such as Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, or other fascist ideologies. Do you think, from what you’ve read, that non-violent action would be a course to take for political and social change under such violent regimes? Would they be successful? Why or why not?

Chat # 4

To keep things simple, you just have one question to talk about this week!

There are several articles in our text regarding animal rights. I’m sure you’ve seen or read about the actions of environmentalists and animal rights supporters such as PETA, and have thought about the applicability of non-harm (ahimsa) to the whole natural world. Has your study of nonviolence over these past few weeks changed the way you think about not just human life, but non-human living things such as animals and even plants? You could talk about Jainism, veganism, the movement against animal cruelty… just remembiquer to be respectful in the discussion.


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