MGMT102: Strategy Background: Singapore Airlines (Premium, Long Haul Carrier Business) The airline industry continues to face significant challenges because of the continuing pandemic and Singapore Airlines is not exempt from this external shock. As background, the Singapore Airline Group operates across the passenger full service and low-cost markets using different brands and is involved in other activities including maintenance and cargo. This assignment focuses on the Premium, Long Haul Carrier business described as SIA. Qn: Conduct a detailed LoNGPESTEL analysis for the airliner. From this identify the key trends and issues.

MGMT102: Strategy

Singapore Airlines (Premium, Long Haul Carrier Business) The airline industry continues to face significant challenges because of the continuing pandemic and Singapore Airlines is not exempt from this external shock.

As background, the Singapore Airline Group operates across the passenger full service and low-cost markets using different brands and is involved in other activities including maintenance and cargo.

This assignment focuses on the Premium, Long Haul Carrier business described as SIA. Qn: Conduct a detailed LoNGPESTEL analysis for the airliner. From this identify the key trends and issues.


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