MGT561 GBA (Group-based Assignment) SUSS : July 2024 – Impactful Leadership

Question 1

This graded activity is part of the assessment of this course. Complete the Following activities:

Title of Project: A CEO’s impact on the Company

Project Description: The group is to choose a well-known and well documented company with a visionary leader whose impact on the business has been world class for an extended period of time (some ideas are Tencent, Alibaba, Capital Land, Tesla, Apple, Netflix, Microsoft, Amazon, McDonalds, Coke, PepsiCo, Walmart, etc.). Reflect on your learning from MGT561 and answer the below questions:

(a) Appraise how the leader’s shadow is impacting the company; and explain how the culture of the company reflects that of the leader. Prioritise the CEO’s most impactful positive leadership characteristics and how they construct trust within their team and create an impactful team through coaching and leadership.

(b) Appraise the leadership gaps of the leader. Assemble the risks that exist for the company as a consequence of this leader with them in the role and after they depart.

(c) Identify the significant historic strategic initiatives made by this leader that disrupted the industry and hypothesise why they made these decisions. Assess whether these initiatives worked (what was the impact). What did not work (what was the impact)?

(d) Assume you were that leader today, prioritise what you might do differently from a leadership and strategic standpoint (if so or not, why). Recommend a strategic framework that can improve business decision making, which may include how you would create a more impactful team through coaching.

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