MHC303 – Mental Health Care

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Assignment Task

Learning Outcomes – This assessment addresses the Subject Learning Outcomes outlined at the bottom of this document.

Task Summary

This Assignment involves the written component of your response to the case scenario that you performed your OSCE on in Assessment 1 Part A. This task requires you to document your communication to other health professionals working in the multi-disciplinary team. This will include written case notes (progress notes) based on your MSE and Risk Assessment findings from Assessment 1 Part A, from which you will devise a management plan and a subsequent clinical handover (ISBAR



Concise and accurate communication with the health care team, including doctors, nurses and allied health staff is an important role of the registered nurse. Providing clear communication in the case notes (progress notes), which will include the management plan, as well as in the clinical handover is crucial to ensure all staff are informed about important details regarding the patient’s presentation and mental state on the ward. This facilitates effective nursing care of patients and protects staff by

providing them with all relevant facts relating to the patient.

This assignment will develop your practical skills as a mental health nurse, giving you the training to engage in activities and tasks relevant to everyday nursing practise.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

  • Downloads : 0

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