MKW1120 Marketing Theory And Practice- Infographic Marketing

MKW1120 Marketing Theory And Practice


Learning Outcome Description

1. describe the key concepts upon which the practice of marketing is based

2. recognise these concepts in the marketplace and in everyday life


For this assignment, you are required to create an infographic poster to explain how you are applying the marketing mix using the following steps:

1. Identify a product of your choice in any company.

2. Using the 4Ps concept, illustrate how the company effectively targets their intended market and positioning.

3. Ensure that you demonstrate creativity in designing the infographic poster

4. Include a list of references (APA format).

Ensure that you provide a brief background of the company that you have selected.

Refer to the following links for more information on infographic poster:

  • Infographic Marketing
  • Effective ways to use infographic
  • Different types of infographic posters

For references and sources, a list of references must be provided on the second page of the pdf document with corresponding numbers within the superscript of the infographic.

MKW1120 Marketing Theory And Practice

The post MKW1120 Marketing Theory And Practice- Infographic Marketing appeared first on My Academic blog.


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