Module 3: freedom of religion

 Q1 Divide your answer into 2 clearly labeled parts. In the first part discuss the “Worshipers” case. In the second part discuss the state’s case. Be sure to mention the RLUIPA, passed by the U.S Congress in 2000, to replace the Religious Freedom Restoration Act that was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1997. A minimum of a 1 page and ½, double-spaced, 12-font. 

Q2   Before the court ruled on his lawsuit, the U.S. Supreme Court decided the case Holt v. Hobbs. The prison system argued that its policy was still lawful because a 4-inch beard is much longer than a ½-inch beard (which was the issue in Holt v. Hobbs) and a kufi is a separate danger.

Analyze the issues (4-inch beard and kufi) in Rasheed’s case using the Supreme Court’s decision in Holt v. Hobbs. Make sure you read the Holt case carefully and understand the RLUIPA! 1 page minimum!

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