My powerpoint slide is already done. The part I was given to do on this powerpoint slide is “ Nursing Advocacy “
It is about “The patient with whom you are collaborating is a nursing student who is in his final year of nursing school and is
“constantly sleepy.” The student describes his frequent inability to sleep and only getting 2 to 3 hours of sleep per night for the last 4 months. His wife, accompanying him to this appointment, reports he snores loudly and during a
large percentage of his sleep time. Recently, he fell asleep while driving and had a minor car accident resulting in sore
ribs from the seatbelt pressure. VS = 98 F, 77, 20, 118/70, 92% RA. Rib pain = 5/10. PMH: Anxiety and UTIs. Allergic to
I have my slide uploaded for you, what I need you to do is write me a page of what to say during the presentation for my slide. That is all!