NPD New Product Design – Management Assignment Help

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Assignment Task

NPD New Product Design


In the written report, students are required to develop some specific aspects of the initial three phases of a new product (service or idea) development process. Students are expected to apply the relevant design thinking tools and ideas in this assessment.

Learning outcomes

Demonstrate an advanced understanding of contemporary new product design theory and practice.

Demonstrate an ability to apply innovative approaches and techniques as well as ethical perspectives throughout the development of new product designs.

Evaluate complex business concepts and issues to deliver an evidence-based rationale for new product designs.

Communicate new product design knowledge, skills and ideas to others clearly, persuasively and credibly.


You are required to select a new product, service experience or idea to be developed and launched in a local or international market location for your organisation or an organisation you are familiar with (note that it is expected that you will use the same product/service and organisation in the capstone assessment also). You will then propose the initial three phases of a new product (service or idea) development process that you would suggest your organisation undertake. Specifically, you should discuss and demonstrate the following aspects of the three phases related to the development process for the selected organisation:

Demonstrate how a Product Innovation Charter (PIC) to be developed for this new product (service or idea) development process. (Phase 1: Opportunity identification and selection).

Discuss how you would develop a new product (service or idea) concept and generate new product/service ideas for the new product opportunity (Phase 2: Concept generation).

Demonstration of how you would evaluate new product concept (Phase 3: Concept/project evaluation). Just one evaluation technique should be applied here.

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  • Uploaded By : Brett

  • Posted on : December 08th, 2019

  • Downloads : 0

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