Nr631 week 4 ba | Nursing homework help


Week 4: The Communication Plan

Submit Assignment

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 50
  • Submitting a file upload

NR631 W4 Communication Plan Guidelines and Rubric

NR631 W4 Communication Plan Template


The process of project management has five phases: (1) design and initiation, which you just completed; (2) finalizing your plan before implementation, which you will do now; (3) implementation; (4) monitor and control; and finally, (5) evaluation and lessons learned, as well as knowledge transfer.

During Phase 2 (finalizing the project plan), you will continue to create the tools and documents you will need when you implement your project as the project manager in Phase 3.

Week 4: Communications Plan

Week 5: Deliverables and Critical Success Factors (CSFs)

Week 6: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and Gantt Chart

Week 7: Risk Management and Human Resource Management Plans

In this assignment, students act as project managers to develop and facilitate project communication, including the variety of communication needs for all team members and stakeholders. The project manager is responsible for all project communication. The communication plan the project manager develops and disseminates must detail the types of communication expected throughout the project. It also documents how the information and reports will be shared and when.

To assist you, there is a document you will complete and attach as an appendix to the professional paper you will submit, and an example of communication planning above.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcome (CO).

CO 1: Apply leadership skills concepts of project management as a nurse executive in an organizational setting to develop, implement, and evaluate successful project plans.

Due Date: Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4

Students are given the opportunity to request an extension on assignments for emergent situations. Supporting documentation must be submitted to the assigned faculty. If the student’s request is not approved, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:

  • Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction
  • Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction
  • Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction

If the student’s request is approved, the student will be informed of the revised due date. Should the student fail to meet the revised due date, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:

  • Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction
  • Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction
  • Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction

Total Points Possible: 50


  1. Complete the Communication Plan document. Attach it as an appendix to the professional paper you will develop following the guidelines for writing professional papers found in the Resources tab.
  2. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing and APA format as expressed in the sixth edition of the APA manual.

Preparing the Assignment

  1. All communications used during the project must be identified and detailed in your Communication Plan. Attach this as an appendix to the professional paper.
  2. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly using the sixth edition of the APA manual.
  3. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, references, and citations must be consistent with formal academic writing.


Hi everyone, I often get questions about the outline or format for the week 4 assignment.  All of your assignments from this point forward will follow the same basic format:

  • Title Page
  • Scholarly narrative section(s)
    • If there is only PM one tool for the week, you’ll have one, 1-2 page narrative section
    • If there are two PM tools, you’ll have a second section that starts immediately after the first, with an additional 1-2 pages
  • Reference page
  • Appendix 1: Attach your completed template
  • Appendix 2: Attach your completed template (if there is a second)

When there are two PM tools, it doesn’t matter which order you list them.  Whatever order you discuss them in the narrative section should be the order they appear in the appendix.  I hope that helps! 

To help you even further, I have attached a communications plan assignment from a student in a previous section who did an outstanding job.  The attached exemplar earned a full credit score.  This should give you an idea of what I’m looking for. 

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