Object oriented method week 2 attention a-plus writer

You will continue development of the object-oriented design for the ordering system. The new content this week will be the Class Diagram for the ordering system.


Project Deliverables: 


  • Update the Object Oriented Design Document title page with the new date.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Create a class diagram that reflects an understanding of the new ordering system that was described in Week 1.
    • Identify the objects based on the use case model created in Week 1.
    • Create the corresponding class diagram.
    • The diagram must demonstrate inheritance
    • Include all entities, classes, properties, and relationships between objects.
    • The diagram should show the data types for each property.
    • The diagram must use the correct class diagram notations.
  • Create the diagram and submit it in a paper of 1–3 pages. This diagram will be Section 2 of the Key Assignment.
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.



Key assignment








 Week 1 question :



Weekly tasks or assignments (Individual or Group Projects) will be due by Monday and late submissions will be assigned a late penalty in accordance with the late penalty policy found in the syllabus. NOTE: All submission posting times are based on midnight Central Time.


Throughout this course, you will be working on an object-oriented project to design an ordering system for a company of your choosing. You will work on a part of the project each week. Additional information and deliverables for each Individual Project will be provided in the assignment description for that project. The project will culminate in a final Key Assignment draft that will be due in Week 4. The final Key Assignment will be comprised of the following:


  • Week 1: Section 1: Use Case Diagram
  • Week 2: Section 2: Class Diagram
  • Week 3: Section 3: Sequence and Collaboration Diagram
  • Week 4: Section 4: State Transition and Activity Diagram
  • Week 5: Revision of full design for a new requirement; final discussion of OO and UML


Project Selection:


The first step is to select an organization for your object-oriented design. This organization can be real or fictitious. This organization will be used as a basis for each of the assignments throughout the course. You should be familiar with the organization to allow focus on the object-oriented design.


Select an enterprise, and submit your proposal to your instructor before proceeding with the assignments for the course. Approval should be sought within the first several days of the course. Your instructor will tell you how to submit this proposal and what notification will be given for project approval.




For the assignments in this course, you will be developing an object-oriented design document. Your first task will be to select an enterprise to use as a basis for the project. You will be asked to create the shell document for the final Key Assignment project deliverable that you will be working on for each phase. As you proceed through each project phase, you will add content to each section of the final design document to gradually complete the final project.


The object-oriented design that you create will be for an ordering system for your chosen company. Following are the scope and assumptions for this design:


  • The project will support ordering and payment processing.
  • Payments can be by credit card only.
  • Assume that the customers already exist.
  • Other business functions are out of scope (for example, calendaring, customer management, delivery, etc.).


This week’s project deliverables are the following:


  • Submit your project proposal to the instructor for approval.
  • Create the Object-Oriented Design Document shell.
  • Create the deliverables described in the New Content section below for Project Description and Use Case Model.
  • Use Word: Paste models into the Word document.
  • Follow this format:
    • Title Page
      • Course number and name
      • Project name
      • Student name
      • Date
    • Table of Contents
      • Use autogenerated TOC
      • Be sure to update the fields of the TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project
    • Section Headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content except for sections listed under New Content below)
      • Project description (Week 1)
      • Use Case Diagram (Week 1)
      • Class Diagram (Week 2)
      • Sequence and Collaboration Diagram (Week 3)
      • State Transition and Activity Diagram (Week 4)
      • Follow-Up Discussion on Use of Object-Oriented and Recap of Design Changes (Week 5)
      • Change Control Document (Week 5)
  • New Content
    • Project Description
      • Brief description of the enterprise (can be hypothetical)
      • Description of the ordering system to be designed
      • Material can be taken from approved proposal submitted to instructor
      • Be sure the project is approved by the instructor
    • Use Case Diagram and Narratives (3–5 pages)
      • Prepare a use case diagram and accompanying narratives that reflect an understanding of what the system will do.
        • This will require you to identify all of the actors in the system, including other systems.
      • Identify the use cases including all relationships.
      • Note that only existing customers are within scope. Also note that orders are not updateable.
      • There must be at least 2 employee types represented, such as a manager, owner, or clerk.
      • The following use cases should be identified on the diagram:
        • Create an order and payment entry
        • Update a payment entry
        • View an order and payment entry
        • Delete an order and payment entry





 My assignment



Business Overview


Project description (Week 1)




            Warzone was built for the modern age of technology to be built by the professional gamer.  Warzone gaming and computer will make the modern gamer happy by building a computer that play any games. Most companies like HP, Dell and Asuze does not have the ability to see what people needs and wants by having something already online. With the Enterprise Architecture Design plan. It will show that certain departments will keep the business going. Most computers have general standards such as small hard drive not enough memory or they have to upgrade as soon as they buy it. We at warzone are making computers that will come off the self and not need to be upgraded until one year later.


            With our production department and sales department we can create demands for any computer sales. We also carry when the diamond package when you need upgrade such as mother boards or even memory and even OS we upgrade with our packages. Using The Open Group framework for my Enterprise Architecture will help stabilize and to help grow with its customers. This is a Multi-massive role playing game online. We should also have nearly 2 million people playing online game for 14.99 a month. Each player will use a credit card to pay for each month or even all year or even 3 months to stay online.


            We will being using the internet to make a business grow and even using the software. This is a experience of what makes people happy to play in another realm or even realty world.


















Class Diagram (Week 2) TBD




Sequence and Collaboration Diagram (Week 3) TBD




State Transition and Activity Diagram (Week 4) TBD




































Follow-Up Discussion on Use of Object-Oriented and Recap of Design Changes (Week 5) TBD














































Change Control Document (Week 5)TBD




































Reference page



Week 2

  • Update the Object Oriented Design Document title page with the new date.
  • Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback.
  • Create a class diagram that reflects an understanding of the new ordering system that was described in Week 1.
    • Identify the objects based on the use case model created in Week 1.
    • Create the corresponding class diagram.
    • The diagram must demonstrate inheritance
    • Include all entities, classes, properties, and relationships between objects.
    • The diagram should show the data types for each property.
    • The diagram must use the correct class diagram notations.
  • Create the diagram and submit it in a paper of 1–3 pages. This diagram will be Section 2 of the Key Assignment.
  • Be sure to update your table of contents before submission.

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