Objective: Epidemiological Profile Outline: Report.
For this assignment, you will create a Epidemiological Profile Outline: Report
The purpose of the document is to provide a set of guidelines to help profile writers produce integrated epidemiologic profiles and advise them concerning how to interpret epidemiologic data in ways that are consistent and useful in meeting the planning needs of both prevention and care programs.
You are encouraged to choose a specific disease and use it as basis for this project.
The paper will be 8-10 pages long. More information and due date will provide in the assignments link.
Students will create an Epidemiological Profile Outline: Report for the Disease of your choosing. The purpose of the document is to provide guidance to help writers create integrated epidemiologic profiles and advice on how to interpret the data in ways that are consistent and useful in meeting the planning needs of both prevention and care programs for specific diseases. Integrating prevention and care data should help to streamline the work of health department staff, Disease planning groups, and planning councils by reducing duplicated effort and by promoting consistency and comparability of data and terms in prevention as well as in care planning
You need to read the article (in the additional weekly reading resources localize in the Syllabus and also in the Lectures link) assigned for this week and develop a 8-10-page paper reflecting your understanding and ability to apply the readings to your Health Care Setting. Each paper must be typewritten with 12-point font and double-spaced with standard margins. Follow APA format when referring to the selected articles and include a reference page.
1. Introduction (50 points / 25%) Offer an abstract that provide a brief outlook of the protocol and explaining in your own words what is meant by Epidemiological Profile Outline: Report.
2. Your Epidemiological Profile Outline: Report. (10 points 50%)
The following outline contains the basic content areas to include in an epidemiological profile:
a. Cover Page
List members of your epidemiological workgroup, advisory council, evidence-based program workgroup, and any other key stakeholders.
b. Table of Contents
c. Executive Summary
Provide a brief overview of what the epidemiological profile is, why it is important, and how it can be used.
Provide a brief list of key findings from the profile.
d. Introduction
Describe your community. Consider including demographic information such as population size, age distribution, gender, and any socioeconomic background information that may be available (educational attainment, employment, etc.).
Include important historical, cultural, and contextual information that might be relevant to the data included in the profile.
Consider describing your Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant (SPF SIG) project. Describe SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) and how developing an epidemiological profile is a component of SPF Step 1: Assess Needs.
Describe your epidemiological workgroup. This can include the number of members, agencies, organizations they represent; how often they meet; where they meet; and any other information an interested person may want to know.
e. Data Selection Processes
Describe how you collected or gathered the data included in the profile.
Discuss how your workgroup decided which data sources to include in the profile and which data sources to leave out.
Provide a list of data sources, describing each source. Examples include a youth tobacco survey, emergency room data from the local hospital, alcohol-related motor vehicle crash data from local law enforcement, and community perceptions collected during a focus group. For each data source, include:
A brief description of the data source
The department, agency, or organization that provided the data
How frequently the data are collected and the years that data are available for
Any limitations of the data, which might include a small survey response or inadequate arrest reports
Provide a list of indicators, such as “Past 30-day Alcohol Use Among Adults” or “Number of Lung Cancer Deaths.”
f. Data Dimensions
Describe the criteria you need to prioritize substance misuse problems. These might include:
Size or magnitude
Trends over time
Relative comparisons (for example, one community to another, one age group to another)
Economic cost
g. Body of Report 20 points (Findings)
This may include narrative, tables, graphs, charts, and maps. It is also helpful to incorporate a combination of formats. For example, use narrative to summarize findings in a table. Make sure that tables and graphs are clearly labeled.
Consumption/use indicators
Consequence indicators
Risk and protective factors
Consumption/use indicators
Consequence indicators
Risk and protective factors
Consumption/use indicators
Consequence indicators
Risk and protective factors
h. Limitations and Data Gaps
Discuss indicators for which you do not have data and consider including strategies or plans for addressing those data gaps.
Discuss limitations of the data you do have. For example, maybe you have data that you cannot sort by gender or by age group.
e. Conclusion
j. Appendices, which might include:
Names of State Epidemiological Outcomes Workgroup members
Data collection instruments used
Large, detailed tables
Glossary of terms
Mortality or hospitalization data: ICD-9/ICD-10 codes (if the tribe uses these data sources)
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