Task aim/purpose:The aim of this case-based assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your clinical reasoning skills, your capacity todifferentiate normal from abnormal presentation and to identify appropriate (evidence-based) investigations andtreatment modalities associated with the assigned case-study, which are skills that are crucial to safe and effectivenursing practice.Individual, Written Assignment, concept mapTotal Marks: 100Task description: For this task you need to create a single (1) slide (using PowerPoint) colour coded concept map and 750word explanation, demonstrating analysis of the case study scenario emailed to you in week 1. APowerPoint template file will be made available for you to customise based on your assigned case scenario. In your concept map you must:1) Interpret the patient’s risk factors (from the case-study scenario) and determine how these risk factorsrelate to the diagnosed disease/disorder;2) Outline the links between the aetiology, cellular pathology and the pathophysiology of the diagnoseddisease;3) Describe how the pathophysiology of the disease/disorder accounts for the patient’s clinical manifestations(described in the case-study scenario); and4) Analyse and interpret evidence-based research to suggest appropriate diagnostic assessments andtreatment modalities for the patient’s diagnosis. In your 750 word written explanation you must:1) Explain the links between the patient’s risk factors and aetiology to account for the disease’s/disorder’spathophysiology.2) Describe how the disease’s/disorder’s pathophysiology manifests through the patient’s signs andsymptoms.3) Justify your suggested diagnostic tests and treatment modalities listed in the concept map on theirrelevance and appropriateness for the diagnosed disease/disorder.Due Date:Submission via Turnitin within the course Learning@Griffith site by Monday week 6, 16th April 2018, 5pm.Other elements: The concept map (colour coded) should be a maximum of 1 PowerPoint slide in length and the 750 wordswritten explanation (excluding reference list) should follow on the next slide/s; You will be presented with a case study scenario electronically (via email) by Friday 2nd March (week 1); Use APA 6th edition for in-text referencing and in the reference list; Reference list should be on a separate slide/s following the 750 word written explanation; Ensure that the majority of your references have been published within the last 10 years; Marking, moderation, and student feedback will be provided electronically based on a marking criteria that isin accordance with University assessment policy; 5% late penalties apply for each working day after submission date/time; Always refer to the marking criteria as this will assist you to determine the depth of response for each section; No coversheet is required; instead complete the eAssignment Cover Sheet Quiz before submitting yourassignment.Refer to the Health Writing and Referencing guide for more information (click here)2804NRS: Individual, Written Assignment, Concept Map Marking CriteriaContent PossiblemarkMarkachievedBrief commentsPresentation, written communication Concept map and written explanation has a logicalstructure. Uses academic language throughout. Completed eAssignment Cover Sheet Quiz beforesubmitting assignment. Concept map is appropriately colour coded with arespective key. Correct word count (1 PowerPoint slide for conceptmap & no more than 750 words for explanation).10Concept map Clearly identifies ALL the risk factors from thescenario relating to the patient’s diagnosis. Correctly links these risk factors and the aetiologywith the disease’s/disorder’s pathophysiology. Clearly identifies and logically sequences thedisease’s/disorders pathophysiological steps. Clearly identifies ALL the clinical manifestationsfrom the scenario relating to thedisease’s/disorder’s pathophysiology. Identifies and links appropriate diagnosticassessments and treatment modalities within thebroader concept map.35Written explanation Clearly explains how the listed risk factors andaetiology contributes to the patient’s diagnosis. Provides a detailed analysis of thepathophysiological justification for the patient’sclinical manifestations. The listed diagnostic assessments and treatmentmodalities are justified for their appropriatenessrelating to the patient’s diagnosis, and substantiatedwith citations.45Use of references Written explanation includes reputable, current andappropriate references. No fewer than 10 references used. Referencing as per APA Style 6th Edition, in-textand in reference list.10Total Mark 100Weighting for assignment 30%
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