
Reflection and Critique Report – 4 November Most of the time engineers first become involved at the feasibility or design stages of a project – well after the most important strategic decisions have been made. These strategic decisions will determine the nature of a project and constrain the engineers to micro-decisions that will often have only a marginal effect on the utility and/or cost of the project. In this group-project, you will have an opportunity to involve in such an important strategic decision-making process. Specifically, you will determine and assess the value of a project that could be of significance to your community, region, or country. You will be applying concepts learnt in this subject to analyse and evaluate a real-life project. In doing so, you will need to step outside the deterministic realms of engineering discipline and prepare to accept many uncertainties, and thus require to make assumptions, to produce a comprehensive assessment of a project. This group-project will require extensive independent research and analysis to complete the report and presentation required for the deliv

Due dates Project Description Report – 31 August Presentation and Modelling Tool – 26 October Final Evaluation Report – 31 […]


Word Limit: Maximum 800 words ( work on the answer as final exam and don’t worry about words limit) Assignment Requirment: • For each question, formulas and data info must be given before performance and presentation of calculations as presented in the interactive tutorial solutions. Formulas and presentation of calculation can be copied and pasted from given formulas and solutions in Black Board Tutorial Materials. • No Financial Calculator, Excel Calculations and No Excel files are accepted. You are allowed only one attempt to submit your assignment. Do it very carefully, no wrong assignment claim is accepted and no other attempt to be provided. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. All wrong file for other unit, blank file, files in PDF or other formats

Assessment Task – Tutorial Questions Assignment Unit Name: Management Accounting Assignment: Tutorial Questions Assignment (Individual) Due: Wednesday 21st October 2020


ue: Friday 22nd October 2020. Word limit: Maximum 800 words ( work on the answer as final exam and don’t worry about words limit) Assignment Requirment: For each question, formulas and data info must be given before performance and presentation of calculations as presented in the interactive tutorial solutions. Formulas and presentation of calculation can be copied and pasted from given formulas and solutions in Black Board Tutorial Materials. No Financial Calculator, Excel Calculations and No Excel files are accepted. You are allowed only one attempt to submit your assignment. Do it very carefully, no wrong assignment claim is accepted and no other attempt to be provided.The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. All wrong file for other unit, blank file, files in PDF or other formats will be given zero mark. A template of assignment cover page is attached for your usage. Please work on the questions like you answer questions in your final exam. Purpose: This assignment is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit Unit Learning Outcomes Assessed: • Explain financial markets and different types of securities and the processes related to their investment; • Interpret the impact of future developments in the financial markets on business structure and performance; • Understand the concept of the time value of money and apply it in investment and portfolio evaluation and management; • Critically understand and practice valuation of financial instruments, including ordinary shares, preferred shares and bonds; • Critically analyze fi

ue: Friday 22nd October 2020. Word limit: Maximum 800 words ( work on the answer as final exam and don’t


Requirements: Part B – Personal Reflection Each group member will write a personal reflection addressing the following points: 1. In regards to the generic feedback you received for Assignment 1, how did you respond to, and incorporate, this feedback into the group submission of Part A Project Plan 2. Describe how the group allocated the Part A Project Plan work amongst each of the group members. 3. Summarize how the group worked together to submit an appropriate Part A Project Plan 4. Based on the answers to the three (3) questions above: a. What did you learn about collaborative groupwork? b. How you might use this in the workplace or another group assignment? It is envisaged that your personal reflection will be approximately 500-600 words in length. Submission Gui

Requirements: Part B – Personal Reflection Each group member will write a personal reflection addressing the following points: 1. In


ssignment question-Answer all questions The purpose of this assignment is to provide you experience with designing a research study, and writing a research proposal. The aim of the research proposal is to organise and convey your ideas and thoughts. The content of the research proposal should be organised as follows: (a) “Identifying the research problem is the first major step when conducting research.” (i) There are some factors a researcher needs to consider when selecting a research area ( refer to insert no.1). Taking into considera

NSTRUCTIONS TO STUDENTS for assignments: Read properly the mode of submission Please note that any assignment submitted after the deadline,


Part II: Hypothetical problem section You must answer all subquestions. This part of the paper is worth a maximum of 45 marks. The suggested maximum length is 1,875 words. NB The facts are deliberately incomplete. You will need further facts and information to answer the question fully. Indicate the facts or information that you need to fully answer the questions where that is relevant; and explain the relevance of those facts or information. Where the facts or information are not complete, you will need to make assumptions in answering the questions –indicate the assumptions you’re making where that is relevant. Assume that the laws of foreign legal systems are as stated in the questions. You are not expected to conduct research into foreign law. Nicholas Hill is

Part II: Hypothetical problem section You must answer all subquestions. This part of the paper is worth a maximum of


Background Figure 1 shows the arrangement of a gear pump. The following design considerations and modifications are to be implemented. 1. It has been determined that there is a market for a variety of similar pumps but with reduced pumping capacity. This can be achieved by fitting ‘thinner’ gears. The same housing can be utilised but with a reduced depth of the machined cavity to suit the ‘thinner’ gears. The current design shows 19 mm wide gears but future designs must cater for any gear width from 15 mm to 19 mm. 2. The single groove pulley shown is to be replaced by a double-groove pulley. More information on this pulley and how it is to b

Background Figure 1 shows the arrangement of a gear pump. The following design considerations and modifications are to be implemented.


deo Business Case Report This assignment challenges students to formulate a professional response to in-depth issues contained in a real life Video Business Case. The Video Business Interview and Case to be critiqued will be announced by Seminar 03 and will be available under Blackboard Assessments 2) Video Business Case Report (20%). Students are encouraged to review the Background video segments for the Video Business Case selected for analysis. Students will act as an independent professional business consultant reporting to senior managers of the company concerned. Students are expected to provide informed and robust advice to this business client. A sophisticated understanding of the critical aspects of this Video Business Case needs to be demonstrated. The report is expected to be 2,000 words, including an Executive Summary ( 300 words) but excluding References. Introduction, table of contents and appendices are not required and will not be marked. To support assertions made about the case being critiqued refer to the Required Readings provided in the Unit Outline Progr

his is a business capstone assessment. Video Business Case Report This assignment challenges students to formulate a professional response to


BLAW1002 S2 2020 – Economic Exercises (EEs) [worth 30%] Assessment Brief and Marking Guidance for Students ? 1. Timeline of Economic Exercises (EEs) – worth 30% ? Assessment brief available on Blackboard (Bb): Wednesday 23rd September 2020, 1pm. o All times specified in this brief are in Perth, AWST. o Students have up to 23 days to work on EEs. ? Live and recorded Q&A sessions on EEs via Bb Collaborate with Andrew Brennan: o Wednesday 30th September 2020, 1pm to 2:30pm (in tuition free week). o Friday 9th October 2020, 9am to 10:30am (i.e. in the specified online lecture time on M7). o Friday 16th October 2020, 9am to 10:30am (i.e. in the specified online lecture time on M8). ? General clarifications (if needed) on EEs with Morgane Johns via the Ed Forum (https://edstem.org): o Monday 28th September to Friday 2nd October. o Monday 5th to Friday 9th October. o Monday 12th to

BLAW1002 S2 2020 – Economic Exercises (EEs) [worth 30%] Assessment Brief and Marking Guidance for Students ? 1. Timeline of


Length 1,500 Words Submission Method Turnitin Assessment Criteria Marking Rubric (Uploaded on Blackboard) Feedback Provided Face to face, Live Stream, Discussion forum, Turnitin Alignment to Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Apply skills in locating, selecting, referencing and interpreting appropriate academic sources to produce an annotated bibliography and essay. 2. Evaluate theories of decision making. Assessment type: Written Assignment Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to develop argumentation skills through essay writing. Students are required to build on their Annotated Bibliography to develop a proposition on which to base an argumentative essay. Instruction: Within the broad theme of RATIONALITY versus RISK PERCEPTION in managerial decision making under a crisis/disaster or p

ASSESSMENT 2 – ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY Trimester 3, 2020 (Newcastle City) GSBS6001: Managing Under Uncertainty This assessment is for ALL students.


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