
CASE STUDY 1: EQUAL PRIZE MONEY IN TENNIS   A British cabinet minister has now stepped into the debate regarding equal prize money at Wimbledon, the British Open tennis championships. Patricia Hewitt (no relation to the men’s winner), the Trade and Industry Secretary, announced that it is ‘simply wrong’ that the winner of the men’s singles should collect £525,000, while the women’s winner should receive only £486,000, when they had both worked equally hard. The debate regarding prize money is not new, and has aroused some strong feelings in the last ten years. The 1996 men’s champion, Richard Krajicek, commented in 1992 that most women players were ‘fat, lazy pigs’ who deserved to win less. This attracted a storm of protest from many supporters of women’s tennis, and these supporters and lobbyists have been successful in gradually reducing the differentials in prize money. Tim Henman, the British number one player, attracted criticism in 1999 for accusing female players of being ‘greedy’ in demanding g more prize money in ‘Grand Slam’ tournaments. The situation in 2002 was that

CASE STUDY 1: EQUAL PRIZE MONEY IN TENNIS   A British cabinet minister has now stepped into the debate regarding […]


Global Management Assignment – 1st Assignment Essay (30 marks) – (1500 words) Due date 10th October, 2020 Useful and Relevant Textbook : Management Across Cultures: Developing global competencies, by (Steers, R.M., Nardon, L. & SanchesRunde, C.J. 2017.(3rd Australasian ed) Assignment Questions/Tasks Assume that you are the manager of a particular Australian firm(Select a popular Australian Company for case study) which has branches all over the world. You are assigned a task to prepare a group of employees for a short-term global assignment to Malaysia. Your task is to prepare them for the assignment and to lead and manage them from your office in

Global Management Assignment – 1st Assignment Essay (30 marks) – (1500 words) Due date 10th October, 2020 Useful and Relevant


Operations Management Assignment – 2nd Assignment Operations management plan (50 Marks)- 2000 words Due date 10th November, 2020 Useful textbook : Operations and process management: Principles and practice for strategic impact by Slack, N. & Brandon-Jones, A. (2018).(5th ed.) Assignment Questions/Tasks You are required to analyse operations process in a company(Select a popular company) you are familiar with and develop a plan with solutions required to make improvements. The operations plan must cover the following: 1. An introduction to

Operations Management Assignment – 2nd Assignment Operations management plan (50 Marks)- 2000 words Due date 10th November, 2020 Useful textbook


Assessment Title CASE STUDY OF A COMMERCIAL LEASE Learning Outcome/s 1,2,3 and 4 Assessment type (group or individual) INDIVIDUAL Weighting 25% Word count An absolute maximum of 1,500 words Due date Sunday Week 9, 11:55pm Sydney Time Class submission Lecture ? Tutorial ? Submission type Paper copy ? Turnitin ? Other: Answer the two questions logically and as completely as you can and set out a reference list at the end of your answers Assessment instructions (clear, succinct, without repetition) Obtain a copy of the Real Estate Institute of NSW (REINSW) Commercial Lease suitable for a lease of up to 3 years duration. This can be found on the internet. Read the case study b

Assessment Title CASE STUDY OF A COMMERCIAL LEASE Learning Outcome/s 1,2,3 and 4 Assessment type (group or individual) INDIVIDUAL Weighting


Finance for Managers- FIN6013– GSB SEGi University | 1 Course work Finance for Managers FIN6554 (FIN6013) September 2020 Lecturer: Dr. Abdolhossein Zameni (Pejman) Submission Deadline: Week 7_ 1/11/2020 Please refer to the assignment for the instructions. Finance for Managers- FIN6013– GSB SEGi University | 2 Part A (100%) Question1 Find 10 years share price and dividends’ of two Malaysian publicly listed companies and subsequently answer the questions a, b and c below. a) Critically analyse the basis of choosing the companies. (10 marks) b) Calculate the discretely compounded annual returns and the respective risk for both firms. Analyse your answer. (20 marks) c) Calculate the continuously compounded annual returns and the respective risk for both firms. Which is the better investment of the two? Analyse your answer. (20 marks) Show all the calculation Question 2 Suppose that the annual returns on two shares are perfectly negatively correlated and that = 0.07, = 0.20, , and . Assuming that there are no arbitrage opportunities, by using the Goal Seek

Finance for Managers- FIN6013– GSB SEGi University | 1 Course work Finance for Managers FIN6554 (FIN6013) September 2020 Lecturer: Dr.


ASSES SMENT 3 BRIEF – PART A Subject Code and Title MGT600 Management, People and Teams / MGMT6009 Managing People and Teams Assessment Part A: Video Presentation Individual/Group Individual Length Part A Video – 5 to 10 Minutes Learning Outcomes Part A c) Demonstrate effective communication and practical problem-solving skills to effectively manage people in a range of organisational contexts d) Critically reflect on the roles and functions that managers perform in the context of the challenges and risks they have to address in the changing environment. e) Develop and justify a model of management cognisant of the organisational minutiae to guide future practice. Submission 12 Week Del

ASSES SMENT 3 BRIEF – PART A Subject Code and Title MGT600 Management, People and Teams / MGMT6009 Managing People


Case 3: Weaving Traditional and Professional Midwifery: The Story of Midwifery, Birth Center, and the Empowerment of Midwives in Guatemala (50 points) The Case Study is designed to provide an opportunity for students to review an MCH case that relates to class content. Directions: • The written portion of the case studies should be in response to the questions provided below. Limit your responses to no more t

Case 3: Weaving Traditional and Professional Midwifery: The Story of Midwifery, Birth Center, and the Empowerment of Midwives in Guatemala


A. Task Description A.1 Overview Your task is to create and test a database in MySQL using PhpMyAdmin. You are provided with a scenario and supporting documents including an ERD, describing the requirements that Southern Cross University may have for a database to handle their student enrolments. You are provided with the design for such a database and will need to create a relational database to meet the client needs. You will also need to add sample data (some provided) and create SQL queries to provide results suitable for reporting. A.2 Scenario

A. Task Description A.1 Overview Your task is to create and test a database in MySQL using PhpMyAdmin. You are


ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Assessment Design specification Individual/Group Individual Length 2500 words Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: a) Identify, critically evaluate and recommend information systems solutions for inefficiencies in business processes, procedures and work practices using data and process modelling techniques. b) Formulate, validate and document business requirements for a medium-scale information system development project and effectively co

ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS605 Systems Analysis and Design Assessment Design specification Individual/Group Individual Length 2500 words


Word limit: 2000 words +/- 10% All students are required to visit one of the activities (exhibition or event) listed on Canvas and discussed in the Week 1 lecture. Students are also required to attend a minimum of 6 scheduled virtual 'Yarning circles' (tutorials) and engage in the online material provided each week over the semester. Students are also required to complete the on-line learning activities and complete the required readings and activities. Using an essay format: 1. Students are required to reflect on their learning and discuss a new idea they have learnt this semester that has changed the way they understand the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.(10 Marks) 2. Students are required to link this reflection to discuss their understanding of how cultural identity and understanding influ

Word limit: 2000 words +/- 10% All students are required to visit one of the activities (exhibition or event) listed


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