Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work

Peer Evaluation Form for Group Work

The purpose of this form is to provide peer feedback on your Management, Leadership, Conflict Resolution and Technical Contribution skills as part of the group assessment. Please fill it out honestly as a team in order to receive peer feedback that you can use to reflect upon and use as part of your own continued professional development. Please use the form as part of your individual reflection as part of Assignment 2.

In order to complete the form, as a team write your names in the boxes at the top of the form and your score in terms of each group members contribution for the areas of Management, Leadership, Conflict Resolution and Technical Contribution, using a scale from 1-4. Further guidance on scoring for each of the attributes is given below. Please then write your reasons for the scores below this.

Management – The team member’s contribution to the management and organisation of the group project was:

4 – An example to the rest of the team.

3 – Better than most team members contribution.

2 – Better than some members of the team.

1 – Happy to let other members of the team organise the group project.

Leadership – The leadership skills of the group member:

4 – Led the team in an exemplary fashion provided a strong contribution to the direction and ideas for the team.

3 – Played a strong role in the leadership of the team.

2 – Some good contribution to the team on occasions.

1 – Happy to let other members of the team lead the group discussion and ideas.

Conflict resolution – Managing relationships and dealing with conflict:

4 – An exemplary use of conflict resolution techniques in order to resolve conflict in the team

3 – Played a strong role in resolving any conflict that took place in the team.

2 – Had some involvement in the resolution of conflict in the team.

1 – Happy to let other members of the team resolve any conflicts that took place.

Technical Contribution

4 – Outstanding contribution

3 – Very good contribution

2 – Some good contribution

1 – Contributed very little

An example of a completed form is provided on page 3.

Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:

Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):



Conflict resolution

Technical Contribution

Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:

Example of a completed form

Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:
Group member’s name:

David Jones
Viresh Patel
Jim Smith

Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):
Group member’s scores (1-4):



Conflict resolution

Technical Contribution

Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:
Reason for your score:

David took the main role of managing the team he kept the team organised an made sure that everyone was contributing evenly to the team and managed any conflict making use of emotional intelligence exceptionally.
Viresh provided the strongest technical contribution to the team where is technical skills were exceptional because of this he led with a lot of the ideas and was able to resolve any difference in opinions that we had.
Jim took responsibility for some of the tasks but mainly let David manage the day to day tasks for the team, It was felt that Jim led with a lot of the ideas and provided lots of good technical ideas to the team. Jim had little involvement in resolving conflict as David handled this.


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