Change/Replace Items highlighted in Yellow             PLAIN LANGUAGE STATEMENT       Introduction to the Research Study Research Study Title:  XXXXXX University: Griffith College, Graduate Business School. Principal Investigator: Dr Garrett Ryan. Researcher Name: XXXXXXXXXXX Email: XXXXXXXXXXXX II.   Details of what involvement in the Research Study will require This project involves taking part in ( Choose Method! semi-structured interviews and or completion of a survey.  The interviews/survey responses will be recorded, and seek to gather information on your experience of XXXXX. Questions are directed towards your thoughts on (What will you ask your participants about? ). I estimate the interviews/survey will take no longer than XXX minutes to complete. III.  Potential risks to participants from involvement in the Research Study (if greater than that encountered in everyday life) I do not anticipate any risk to participants as a result of participation in this Research Study. IV.  Benefits (direct or indirect) to participants from involvement in the Research Study The objective of this Research Study is to gain new knowledge that will enable (What will your research help/improve/understand?) This study may, therefore, be of benefit to you by providing you with the opportunity to contribute to body of knowledge on (Enter your Subject Matter) so that you and or society may benefit. V.   Advice as to arrangements to be made to protect the confidentiality of data, including that confidentiality of information provided is subject to legal limitations Every effort is made to ensure the confidentiality of the participant. Participant names will not be recorded, as all participants will be assigned a code. Where used, recorded interviews/survey data will be downloaded to a password-controlled computer, typed transcripts/survey results are held within password-controlled documents. Participant biographical details and or mention of other persons will be omitted in the final report. Confidentiality of information provided is subject to legal limitations.   VI.  Advice as to whether or not data is to be destroyed after a minimum period Audio tapes/Survey data will be destroyed on the successful completion of this master’s degree in full compliance with GDPR regulations.  VII. Statement that involvement in the Research Study is voluntary Involvement in this Research Study is voluntary.  Participants who decide to take part may withdraw from the Research Study at any point.  There will be no penalty for withdrawing before all stages of the Research Study are complete..  If participants have concerns about this study and wish to contact an independent person, please contact: Dr Garrett Ryan Graduate Business School Research Committee Griffith College South Circular Road, Dublin 8, Ireland Phone:  + 353 1 416 3324 Email:


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