planning and promoting a corporate event | My Assignment Tutor

1Corporate EventManagementWeek 10.Presented by: Carlos Gomez2Learning Outcome 4: Evaluate theprocess of planning and promoting acorporate event“Related to P6, P7, M4 and D4: Devise a plan for a corporateevent and evaluate the process taken for the planning andpromotion of a corporate eventTable of Content 3Corporate event planning: defining the business event and settingthe agenda for the event.Delegate pricing and promotional packages, sponsorship.Personnel skill assessment and recruitment of staff.4Corporate event planning:defining the business event5Getting started: 8-12 months out61. Establish your goals and objectives•  What is your conference or corporate event’s purpose?•  How many people do you want to attend in person/live stream?•  If your event must turn a profit, how much do you want to make?•  How much will tickets cost?•  Where will you host your event?THINGS TO CONSIDER72. Put together a rough budget•  Borrow similar figures from past events for abaseline•  Fill in the holes with educated guessesTHINGS TO CONSIDER83. Choose a format and theme•  Brainstorm formats that will fit your goals. This is when your eventobjectives come in. Consider the best framework to achieve yourevent’s purpose. Tradeshow, seminar, conferences, etc.•  Outline of who’s attending the corporate event and select a themethat resonates with the audience. Your theme sets the tone andwill drive all the planning decisions. The right theme attractsattendees and builds business’s brand.THINGS TO CONSIDER94. Choose a location, a venue, and vendors•  What geographic area is best for your event?•  How many people will be attending your event?•  Do you need to provide Wifi?•  Does the venue have the infrastructure you need?•  Are there local vendors you can rely on?THINGS TO CONSIDER105. Select a date•  Choose an optimal date and a second best for backup whengetting sign-off, and maybe even a third date — just in case.THINGS TO CONSIDER116. Research Speakers•  Research speakers who have spoken at similar events to yours•  Compile a list of your ideal speakers•  Determine your value proposition to potential speakers beforereaching out•  Contact your ideal speakers and invite them•  Are there any other entertainment ideas you can add?THINGS TO CONSIDER127. Start your sponsor search•  Determine what kind of activations you can offer. Will you havelivestreaming or VR at your event? Can you incorporate aninteractive component? Keep those ideas in mind whenresearching sponsors.•  Look at similar events to yours and see who sponsored them•  Compile a list of your ideal sponsors•  Segment attendees to understand their value to sponsors•  Determine the market rate of your sponsorship packagesTHINGS TO CONSIDER13Getting granular: 3-4 months out148. Finalise speakers•  Sign your speakers, panellists, and any other plannedentertainment•  Balance your agenda to keep attendees engaged. You don’t wantto frontload speeches or have one panel after the other. Thinkabout flow, and what times of day people tend to get tired or wantto take a break.•  Get bio information and photos•  Arrange travel and accommodationsTHINGS TO CONSIDER159. Organise your financials•  Choose your ticketing or registration technology•  Finalise sponsors and their contributions•  If you are selling tickets, set your ticket prices; VIP, early bird, andlaunch sales.THINGS TO CONSIDER1610. Build your branded website•  Update your site (if recurring event) or build your new event’s site.Craft copy and images that faithfully communicate the attendeeexperience•  Make sure your website infrastructure can handle the increasedtraffic during peak times•  Make sure your website is mobile-optimisedTHINGS TO CONSIDER1711. Begin to promote your event•  Develop messaging doc aligned with your event brand•  Spark early interest with email and social media•  Reach new event-goers with paid advertising and eventdistribution•  Distribute your event on online event calendars•  Write blog posts about your event•  Create a promo videoTHINGS TO CONSIDER1812. Finalise venue details•  Work with the caterer on approving the menu•  Secure A/V equipment and Wifi•  Review security needs and plans with your team•  Make sure you have special permits, licenses, and insurance•  Determine event signage and attendee communication planTHINGS TO CONSIDER1913. Draft a schedule•  Put together a working draft of your event’s scheduleTHINGS TO CONSIDER20Finalising details: 2 months out2114. Send reminders•  Engage attendees on email and social media; find creative waysto tease what they can expect•  Reach out to speakers, panellists, and sponsors to make surethey’re taken care of•  Contact vendors to confirm their commitmentsTHINGS TO CONSIDER2215. Push promotions to meet your attendance goalsTHINGS TO CONSIDER•  Rekindle interest with retargeting, a technique that servesrelevant ads to past visitors•  Encourage last-minute buyers to register on email and socialmedia23The week before your corporateevent2416. Finalise event schedule & scripts•  Make sure everyone has the same schedule•  Get sign off on any speech scriptsTHINGS TO CONSIDER2517. Communicate final details with your partners•  Update the caterer and venue with final registration numbers•  Confirm your schedule with vendors, including when to arrive andset up•  Double check the A/V equipment and WiFiTHINGS TO CONSIDER26Setting the Agenda for the eventHow to create a corporate agenda for an event 27The point of writing an event agenda is to communicate a message.Therefore, before starting your agenda story, ask yourself whatquestions your audience might have about the upcoming corporatemeeting. Write down everything that comes to mind, from venuespecifications to parking and navigation. Next, transform your notesinto a structured list of questions and answers. This will be thebackbone of your corporate event agenda.Brainstorm questions.How to create a corporate agenda for an event 28Whether your target audience is represented by company clients oremployees, it’s always a good idea to ask people about theirexpectations. Conduct a pre-event survey to clarify what insights mostpeople would want to generate, what they are interested in, and whatvalue they want to derive from the event. Don’t make them write anessay though. Three to five questions added to a registration form oran email invite will be enough. Once you get the results, analysewhether you have the resources you need to meet the expectations,and then start creating targeted event content.Align with survey results.How to create a corporate agenda for an event 29The last thing your event guests want is to go through a five-pagedocument to find an answer to a single question. Limit your corporateevent agenda to a short timeline with information on navigation, thelist of activities, and short pieces of content defining the value of theseactivities.Cut down on the boring stuff.How to create a corporate agenda for an event 30Whether it’s a printed event program, a landing page, or an eventapp, design matters. Ensure that the activities information ispresented as clearly as possible. To strengthen your agendashowcase, consider using website building tools with pre-madeagenda templates that you can customise based on your needs.Make the right showcase of your agenda.How to create a corporate agenda for an event 31If you organise a trade fair or a large-scale conference, the only wayto make an event program work is by syncing the content with anevent app. The major challenge you’ll face with event apps is settingup navigation and filtering modules. Whether people go on aninternational incentive trip or attend a charity gala, they always expectthe same thing: personalised experiences. Organise the list ofactivities and speakers by tracks, themes, or locations to helpattendees easily filter data. Also, if your corporate event has over 40sessions, it’s a good idea to add a schedule feature that allows usersto build their personal agenda.Ensure all information is easily searchable32Personnel skill assessment andrecruitment of staffConduct A Skills Assessment For Your Corporate Audience 331.  Test both technical and soft skills sets.2.  Create the best Simulation Training3.  Focus on job-specific skills4.  Find the ideal testing method5.  Personalize each skills assessment6.  Offer your employees testing resources7.  Self-assessments can be a valuable toolEnsure all information is easily searchableHow to become an events manager 34•  a university course•  a college course•  an apprenticeship•  working towards this role•  applying directlyYou can get into this job through:How to become an events manager 35•  You can take a foundation degree, higher national diploma ordegree in:•  events management•  marketing•  communicationsEntry requirementsYou’ll usually need:•  1 or 2 A levels, or equivalent, for a foundation degree or highernational diploma•  2 to 3 A levels, or equivalent, for a degreeUniversityHow to become an events manager 36•  You could do an events assistant advanced apprenticeship.•  Entry requirements•  You’ll usually need:•  5 GCSEs at grades 9 to 4 (A* to C) or equivalent, includingEnglish and maths, for an advanced apprenticeshipApprenticeshipHow to become an events manager 37•  You could start as an admin assistant in a marketing or publicrelations department and work your way up through training andpromotion.•  Volunteering and experience•  Paid or unpaid work as a crew member at large events orexhibitions can be a good way to get experience and buildcontacts in the industry.Work38ACTIVITY 1.39REFERENCESEconomic and Social Research Council. stakeholders : theory and methods for event management and tourism / Donald Getz, Mathilda Van Niekerk.Donald Getz, 1949- author.Sadd, D., 2012. Mega-events, community stakeholders and legacy: London 2012. Doctorate Thesis (Doctorate).Bournemouth University.George Kuhn. 4 Key Components of a Market Research Feasibility Study. Feb 6.2017


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