Power Systems

University of Lincoln Assessment Framework

Coursework-1 Briefing 2022 – 2023


Module Code & Title: EGR9017M – Power Systems

Contribution to Final Module Mark (module weighting): 50%

Coursework Title: Coursework-1 (Power Generation Technologies)

Coursework Issue Date: 10/02/2023 (available on Blackboard on 27/01/2023)

Coursework Submission Date & Time: 13/03/2023 4:00pm

Coursework Feedback Date: 03/04/2023

Description of Assessment Task and Purpose:

Q1. (20 marks)

Entropy Analysis of the heat engine: consider a 35% efficient heat engine operating between a large, high-temperature reservoir at 1000 K (727 °C) and a large, cold reservoir at 308 K (35°C).

If it withdraws 1.2 MJ/s from the high-temperature reservoir, what would be the rate of loss of entropy from that reservoir and what would be the rate of gain by the low-temperature reservoir? (4 marks)

Express the work done by the engine in watts. (3 marks)

What would be the total entropy gain of the system? (3 marks)

Determine Carnot efficiency and recalculate the a, b, and c, accordingly. (10 marks)

Q2. (20 marks)

Consider a Coal-Fired Steam Power Plant with a heat rate of 10,800 kJ/kWh burning bituminous coal with 75 percent carbon and a heating value (energy released when it is burned) of 27,300 kJ/kg. About 15% of thermal losses are up the stack, and the remaining 85% are taken away by cooling water.

Find the efficiency of the plant. (3 marks)

Find the mass of coal that must be provided per kWh delivered. (3 marks)

Find the rate of carbon and CO2 emissions from the plant in kg/kWh. (6 marks)

Find the minimum flow of cooling water per kWh if its temperature is only allowed to increase by 10°C. (8 marks)

Q3. (20 marks)

For the Heat Pump System (HPS), describe and explain: (1) the structure, (2) the functionality of the main components, (3) the controlling devices, (4) and the contribution of the HPS on to energy saving. (5 marks each).

Q4. (40 marks)

Describe and explain (1) the structure (5 marks), and (2) the functionality of the main components (5 marks), for:

(a) Steam Turbine, (b) Gas Turbine, (c) Wind Turbine, (d) Point Absorber (the Buoy). (10 marks each)

Learning Outcomes (LO) Assessed:

LO1 Able to draw upon a detailed knowledge and understanding of the fundamental principles and numerical techniques within the thermodynamics associated with sustainable power generation.

LO2 Able to make use of existing theories and principles of modelling and analysis, in order to improve machine performance.

LO3 Able to evaluate system requirements and formulate strategies for technology selection in the provision of sustainable energy systems.

LO6 Able to work as part of a team and plan and collectively manage time and resources in the execution of a task.

Knowledge & Skills Assessed:

Techniques and skills subject to specific knowledge, critical analysis, problem solving and effective technical solutions, literature survey, time management, and self-motivation.

Assessment Submission Instructions:

This submission is: individual work.

group work.

Answers must not exceed 4000 words.

All students should submit their work in a MS Word format through Turnitin on Blackboard by 4:00 pm on the hand in date. Only one electronic submission attempt will be allowed.

All work should be submitted by the deadline stated above. Any late submissions will be subject to a lateness penalty in line with the University policy.

The method of submission described above should be used in the first instance however, in cases of technical issues please email your assessment to: soesubmissions@lincoln.ac.uk by the above deadline. Please include the module code and coursework title in the email subject.

All work will be subject to plagiarism and academic integrity checks. In submitting your assessment you are claiming that it is your own original work; if standard checks suggest otherwise, Academic Misconduct Regulations will be applied.

Format for Assessment:

Your submission should take the form of an individual report containing the answers to the questions. Literature review and references should be addressed adequately.

Marking Criteria for Assessment:

The assessment is out of 100 marks. Each question carries marks which are clearly shown with the question. Marks will be allocated based on numerical answers accuracy, technical justifications, technical analysis of systems, design and implementations, and the use of accredited references.

Please note that all work is assessed according to the University of Lincoln Management of Assessment Policy and that marks awarded are provisional on Examination Board decisions (which take place at the end of the Academic Year.

Feedback Format:

Feedback will be provided via Turnitin online assessment submission facility on the relevant Module Blackboard site.

Additional Information for Completion of Assessment: N/A

Assessment Support Information:

Please email any questions to ialbayati@lincoln.ac.uk

Important Information on Dishonesty & Plagiarism:

University of Lincoln Regulations define plagiarism as ‘the passing off of another person’s thoughts, ideas, writings or images as one’s own…Examples of plagiarism include the unacknowledged use of another person’s material whether in original or summary form. Plagiarism also includes the copying of another student’s work’.

Plagiarism is a serious offence and is treated by the University as a form of academic dishonesty. Students are directed to the University Regulations for details of the procedures and penalties involved.

For further information, see www.plagiarism.org





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