PowerPoint presentation Assignment To complete this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation that is 10-12 slides (including title and reference slides). Include a minimum of two scholarly sources in your presentation. Address the following: What problem are you trying to solve based on your problem statement and hypothesis from Topic 2? Who is most affected by the problem (i.e., your target customer) and where/when does the problem affect the customer?

PowerPoint presentation Assignment

To complete this assignment, create a PowerPoint presentation that is 10-12 slides (including title and reference slides). Include a minimum of two scholarly sources in your presentation. Address the following:

What problem are you trying to solve based on your problem statement and hypothesis from Topic 2?

Who is most affected by the problem (i.e., your target customer) and where/when does the problem affect the customer?

Identify the key demographic factors of your target customer.

Consider what new technologies are being developed and are emerging through the hype cycle.

Imagine three of the emerging technologies within the next 2-5 years that might enable a solution to your problem.

Conduct research on companies or groups that are working on these emerging technologies. Discuss how human-centered design and technological advances could offer possible solutions to the problem you are trying to solve.

What are some of the initial constraints that may limit or hamper the introduction of your new technology?

What are some possible variants to the design challenge?

Describe the value your solution has created for customers.


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