Prepare a 15 presentation on the assigned readings based on those two chapter. I

Prepare a 15 presentation on the assigned readings based on those two chapter.
1. Time: 15 minutes in total for presentation on the assigned readings depending on whether you work as a team or individually (see below under Tasks). The important thing to know well is not how much time you need. It is ability (competency) to identify what is most important to know from the readings and to communicate it clearly and concisely. Get straight to the point.
Prepare a 15 presentation on the assigned readings based on those two chapter.
Discussion Leader. Each student will lead discussion of assigned readings for at least one week.
1. Preparation. Read the assigned material. Identify the author’s main argument or overall point, the main question the argument responding to that question, the reasons and evidence in support of the argument, and the aspect of the conflict on which the author focuses.
Address these main elements first. Ask what is the point of this chapter? What the purpose of each section? What does it focus on? What does the author want the reader to know and understand well?
Next is your position (response to the author). What is your response to the author’s argument? Give a good reason. Finally pose one question NOT several! Just one question that came up as you read or after you completed reading and preparing the assignment. Tell us why it is important for us to consider or worth our time discussing.
2. Posing a good question is an important conflict resolution skill. A good question is one that provokes immediate response from the audience, and advances discussion or debate. It gets your audience’s attention. Provokes thought. It helps to pay attention to the question’s scholars pose in their work and the way they do so. Consider them carefully, specifically their “fruitfulness” or potential to advance debate on a phenomenon of concern to a broader community of scholars and practitioners. Not all questions advance debate or open up new avenues of inquiry. For example, rhetorical questions, questioning the obvious, and questions that elicit an automatic NO or Yes. Think carefully about the questions you ask.
i have also attached the 2 chapters 

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