Prepare a four to five minute audio-visual presentation or a PowerPoint of at le

Prepare a four to five minute audio-visual presentation or a PowerPoint of at least 10 to 15 slides on one health informatics topic from the provided list.
During this course we explore many different components of health informatics. For this project, choose a topic of interest to you to prepare your presentation. The context of this presentation is that it will be a staff educational session on your selected topic. Your presentation should reflect new information and not recap or use previously graded content in this course or another course.
In this assignment, you will prepare a 10-15 slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker’s notes of 100-150 words per slide. The slide count does not include the title and reference slides. Select one of the health informatics topics from the list below to address in your presentation. Please see the HIM301 PowerPoint Instructions Download HIM301 PowerPoint Instructionsdocument for expanded information on expected detail in your presentation.
Step 1: Choose one topic from the following list:
Evidence-based practice and informatics
Public health informatics
The evolving ePatient
International efforts, issues and innovations related to informatics
Simulation in health care
Analytics and design-led innovations and management
Big data: challenges, opportunities, and realities
Incorporating mobile devices and sensors into daily routines
The potential impact for mHealth is enormous; an individual might spend 15 minutes or less per year with a primary-care physician, whereas the same person has nearly constant contact with a mobile device.
Applying clinical care guidelines on, and within, mobile platforms
Gathering and using data, particularly intensive longitudinal data, to study effectiveness of an mHealth intervention
Consumer informatics
Applications of social media in health care
Biomedical applications based on sensor data
Chronic disease management and preventative solutions
Step 2:
Define your topic and explain its relevance to health informatics.
Describe any ethical issues associated with your topic.
Describe any associated laws, regulations, or voluntary standards relevant to the topic.
Explain how the topic relates to or impacts health care delivery, administration, education, data administration or research.
Summarize associated data capture tools and technologies.
Describe a specific example of your topic in use in health care.

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