Present a diagram of the central elements of your argument

TRUTH CLAIM: Capitalism is the best economic system within a democratic society. You will need to present a diagram of the central elements of your argument. You can return to the materials from Chapter 1.6

Present a diagram of the central elements of your argument

Section 1: Argument Diagram
You will need to present a diagram of the central elements of your argument. You can return to the materials from Chapter 1.6 for reminders on how to diagram arguments. As you remember, your truth claim will go at the bottom because it is your conclusion, and evidence for your conclusion goes above those conclusions.

Evidence for that evidence goes above the original evidence. Don’t forget to indicate when premises are conjoint premises vs. independent premises. You can create this diagram with Google Jamboard, or any other program with graphic and text capacity. The diagram will need to indicate the elements of the argument within the textbox, and it should be able to stand alone and be intelligible. The argument must have at least 10 boxes to it. For example, it might look something like the diagram below but can take any form that corresponds to the argument you want to make.

Section 2: Argumentative Essay

You have now diagrammed out the key elements of your argument. Your next job will be to describe your argument in an essay. This essay should contain the same elements that are discussed in your diagram, but it can address them in more detail. If your essay does not reflect your diagram you will lose points because the purpose of the diagramming process is to think carefully about your argument and give it good structure.

This structure should help in the writing of your essay. As with your past assignments, your essay should have bolded section headers. How you use them is up to you, but make sure your assignment has at least 4 bolded section headers. Your argument diagram should give you some clues for how you might organize your sections as well. Your essay should be at least 500 words in length.

Section 3: Informal Fallacies Analysis

Fallacies from Section 3.2

Firstly, appeal to force.

Secondly, appeal to pity.

Thirdly, appeal to the people: Direct (Bandwagon, Vanity, Snobbery, and Tradition)

Fourthly, appeal to the people: Indirect (Ad Hominem Abusive, Ad Hominem Circumstantial, and Tu Quoque}

Also, argument against the person (abusive)

Further, argument against the person (circumstantial)
Argument against the person (tu quoque)
Straw man
Missing the point
Red herring

Fallacies from Section 3.3

Appeal to unqualified authority
Appeal to ignorance
Hasty generalization
False cause (post hoc ergo propter hoc, non causa pro causa, and oversimplified cause)
Slippery slope
Weak analogy

Fallacies Analysis
I will be checking through your diagram and written essay to make sure that you have not used any fallacies in your argument, so be sure to run through your argument and make sure you have avoided all of these fallacies. If you think any of your arguments might be mistaken for fallacies address 3 places where you might someone might mistake your argument for a fallacy, define that fallacy, and explain why you don’t believe your argument is fallacious even though it might raise a question.

If you don’t think that any parts of your argument might be flagged as possibly fallacious, then choose 3 fallacies from the above list that you think would be most likely to be used by a less aware reasoner who was arguing for your claim. For each of those 3 fallacies do the following:


Define the fallacy in your own words.
Explain how a thinker might erroneously use that fallacy in making an argument for your claim.
Explain how you avoided that fallacy in making your arguments.

You only need to address 3 fallacies in total in this section. For example, if 2 of the fallacies you consider are relative to your actual examples in your own argument, then you would only need to generate 1 hypothetical example.


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